The celebration of Navaratri comes to a close on 5 October 2022, which is the 10th day following the conclusion of Navaratri (also known as the Nine Days of Divine Mother). It is celebrated as Vijay Dashami (Victory Day), also known as Dusshera  as it commemorates the day on which Lord Rama destroyed all 10 heads of the demon known as Ravana.

Vijaya Dashami and/or Dusshera  marks the end of the cleansing process and the beginning of a new life born from the womb. In fact, during   the ten days (Navaratri and Dusshera)   the   demons from within in the form of wicked traits have to be eradicated.  Hence, Dusshera  is celebrated with the ritual that involves the burning  of  Ravana (Ten-headed demon). This  symbolises the conclusion of an internal journey during which undesirable behaviours and patterns that bind   the soul to the cycle of birth and death and keep it confined in this material world (confines of Maya or relative existence) are eliminated.   


The Ten Heads of Ravana or rather say Ravana is one who has the following ten attributes:

  1. Kama(lust, craze, desire)
  2. Krodha (anger, hatred)
  3. Lobha(greed, miserliness, narrow minded)
  4. Moha (delusory emotional attachment)
  5. Mada(pride, stubborn mindedness)  
  6. Matsarya(envy, jealousy, show or vanity, and pride)
  7. Manas (sensory, processing mind)
  8. Buddhi (knows, decides, judges, and discriminates. Please note if the Buddhi is not used properly for a long time it loses its sharpness just like Sword’s blade becomes blunt if not used properly for a long time. Also due to overindulgence in the first six points Buddhi may malfunction. Same thing may have happened to Ravana)
  9. Chitta (memory, storage of impressions, will)  
  10. Ahamkara (“I”-maker, Ego)


One may ask a valid question, why do we need to destroy Buddhi (Intellect) which is supposed to be the Discriminatory power in us and suppose to guide us to the correct path?

Well, let us try understand this:


In Bhagvad Gita (Chapter 2, Sloka 62-63) Lord Krishna  reveals conceivable connection that exists among the ‘Six Inner Enemies’, as well as how they might fully destroy us as follows:


“Dhyayato visayan pumsah sangas tesupajayate
sangat sanjayate kamah kamat krodho ‘bhijayate”

(Ref: Bhagvad Gita, Ch 2, Sloka 62)


“While contemplating the objects of the senses,  

a person develops Attachment for them,

and from such attachment Lust develops,

and from lust Anger arises”



“krodhad bhavati sammohah sammohat smrti-vibhramah

smrti-bhramsad buddhi-naso buddhi-nasat pranasyati

 (Ref: Bhagvad Gita, Ch 2, Sloka 63)



From anger, Delusion arises, and from delusion Bewilderment of memory

When memory is bewildered, Intelligence is lost,

and when intelligence is lost,

one falls down again into the material pool.


By combining the two slokas, we arrive to the following conclusion:

“When a man spends a lot of time dwelling or thinking about the things that his senses see, he becomes attached to those things.  Attachment is the womb from which desire emerges. Desire gives birth to anger. From anger develops illusion. Memory loss is a symptom that may occur from hallucination. Failure of memory leads to the annihilation of intelligence, and the annihilation of intellect leads to the complete extinction of everything”


‘Manas’ and ‘Chitta‘ are compelled to absorb numerous things via our senses if we are to survive in the world. Through our eyes we can see, our ears can hear, our tongue can taste and speak, our nose can smell, and our skin can be touched. Every consumption is recorded in ‘Chitta’ (memory). However, problems arise when we get preoccupied with intakes.   The more we dwell on intakes, the stronger our ‘thought of intake’ becomes. Please take a note, here our ‘Thoughts’ plays very vital and crucial through role.  It is in the nature of the Manas to generate further Thoughts, and this chain of events may theoretically go on forever. Even if just one Thought is corrupt, it has the potential to act like a virus inside the Manas and taint other thoughts as well.

Here is another challenge, Ahamkara, also known as the ego, is responsible for the sensation of “doership,” and the  Bhagvad Gita warns us that once we take on the role of “doer” of an action, we cannot avoid the repercussions of that action.

Now coming to Buddhi. Do you know what is the role of Buddhi here?  Buddhi is in fact  “Inner wisdom” if tapped with pure intentions would guide us.  

In an ideal world, Buddhi directs Manas, which then engages the senses. Unfortunately, it is the Samskaras (past intense desires and impressions that are stored in Chitta)  that make a big noise and overshadow Buddhi rather than Buddhi that guides the Manas. Buddhi is always available and ready to help us; we need to  learn to tap into our inner knowledge; all we have to do is begin listening to it! Hence, one of the solution to the problem is to purify the Thoughts as soon as they arise by using the Buddhi (Discrimination power).  

I believe if  celebrate Hindu festivals with the understanding  of the Inner Meaning   it would help  us to evolve towards Moksha (liberation).   Vedas declare,


“The Mind alone is the cause of Bondage and Liberation  in humans.

When it is attached to sense objects, it brings bondage.

 When detached from objects, it brings freedom”

The celebration of Dusshera, also known as Vijaya Dashami, marks the end of a period of purification and the beginning of a new life.  The traditional burning of a 10-headed demon symbolises the conclusion of an introspective quest to rid oneself of destructive habits and behaviours. It becomes a metaphor for getting rid of bad karma, and I wish that you and I will all use the fire of wisdom to consume the obstacles in our path.

Wish you all a very  happy Vijaya Dashami  


With all my Love

Ravinder Grover




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