The Vedic Sun Signs (28 May 2020 – 10 June 2020)

Aries (Mesha Rashi) (14 April 20  – 15 May 20)

Starting name Syllable as: Chu, ChAE, chO, lA, lee, Lu, lAE, lO, Aa

You seem to be caught up in trivial talks,  gossip and getting in to media as a way to seek happiness, which seems to be just waste of time. The current time demands to listen skilfully by using your own impartial discriminating power and saying nothing at all.  Career, Relationship, Luck, all seem to be in ‘stand still’  zones, advising you to re-evaluate all these matters before coming to any  judgement. 4-7 June 2020, you may see the true colour of a  close  friend or sibling.

Aries (Mesha Rashi) (14 April 20  – 15 May 20)

Starting name Syllable as: Chu, ChAE, chO, lA, lee, Lu, lAE, lO, Aa

You may find some relief at work scenario, but mind you, this is the time to evolve through your  worldly ambitions.   Serious thoughts must be given to, what would you do if your career plans do not work out the way you want. Sooner or later you would be required to change your attitude towards the outer world.  Exercise patience in relationship

How Astrology can help you?

Astrology has been around for as long as humankind started observing the activities in the heavens. To compare the compare the movement of the planets and stars to our own human lives is a brilliant (and ancient) concept. Indeed, scientists confirm that the heavens are a macrocosm to our own physical being (which would be the microcosm). In short, the universe mirrors our human-ness and vice-versa.

How Astrology can help you?

Astrology has been around for as long as humankind started observing the activities in the heavens. To compare the compare the movement of the planets and stars to our own human lives is a brilliant (and ancient) concept. Indeed, scientists confirm that the heavens are a macrocosm to our own physical being (which would be the microcosm). In short, the universe mirrors our human-ness and vice-versa.

How Astrology can help you?

Astrology has been around for as long as humankind started observing the activities in the heavens. To compare the compare the movement of the planets and stars to our own human lives is a brilliant (and ancient) concept. Indeed, scientists confirm that the heavens are a macrocosm to our own physical being (which would be the microcosm). In short, the universe mirrors our human-ness and vice-versa.