Virgo (Kanya Rashi) (17 September- 17 October)

Starting name Syllable as:  ṭO, paa, pi, pU, ṣA, ṇa, ṭhA, pAE, pO  

You may evolve  your creative expressions through Love.  All you need to do is direct your Love to the right direction. Love should include compassion for needy  and eagerness to know your spiritual self.  Also, you may find very challenging to handle your children for some time;  there is a need to develop a plan to help them to identify their hidden talents and give positive direction to them

How Astrology can help you?

Astrology has been around for as long as humankind started observing the activities in the heavens. To compare the compare the movement of the planets and stars to our own human lives is a brilliant (and ancient) concept. Indeed, scientists confirm that the heavens are a macrocosm to our own physical being (which would be the microcosm). In short, the universe mirrors our human-ness and vice-versa.

How Astrology can help you?

Astrology has been around for as long as humankind started observing the activities in the heavens. To compare the compare the movement of the planets and stars to our own human lives is a brilliant (and ancient) concept. Indeed, scientists confirm that the heavens are a macrocosm to our own physical being (which would be the microcosm). In short, the universe mirrors our human-ness and vice-versa.

How Astrology can help you?

Astrology has been around for as long as humankind started observing the activities in the heavens. To compare the compare the movement of the planets and stars to our own human lives is a brilliant (and ancient) concept. Indeed, scientists confirm that the heavens are a macrocosm to our own physical being (which would be the microcosm). In short, the universe mirrors our human-ness and vice-versa.