In addition to my previous article,  I wish to make s few more points as follows:

  1. A possible economic downturn for Canada might start from end of October 2023.

  2. Justin Trudeau, PrimeMinister of Canada, does not seem to be capable of maintaining his political stance. This may be the result of Mr. Trudeau being exposed to a substantial amount of pressure from pro-Khalistan Sikhs residing within Canada or within Canadian government.

  3. To sum-up, Mr Justin Trudeau is SET TO GET SETBACK around 21 May 2024 

  4. Starting from 2025,  the political atmosphere in Canada will   deteriorate into an exceedingly terrible condition, comparable to the present situation in Pakistan, may be as a result of terrorism and religious extremists


Ravinder Grover 

Disclaimer: ‘Without Prejudice’.  I offer my insight to Astrology solely based on my learnings of astrology principles and techniques,  some  of them learnt from the Sages of the highest order. These predictions are offered for guidance purpose only.   I offer absolute no guarantee on my calculations and analysis. These predictions are not intended to harm anyone by any means.  I expressly disclaim all warranties, implied or contingent, for making use of these predictions, for incurring any loss, loss of profit or in any manner. No notice or advice from anyone  will create any liability whatsoever falls