1. Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) (16 December – 14 January)

Starting name Syllable as: yAE, yO, bhA, bhee, bhU, dhA, phA, ḍha, bhAE

It seems your focus is at mastering the material realm.  In fact, the forthcoming time may burst all your craving for material possession. Analyse your attitude towards possessions and financial stability. Intense craving has  negative  effects too.  You can choose what you want, then why not choose to have your life to be as good as possible regardless of  your circumstances?  Learn to make the best out of whatever you have

How Astrology can help you?

Astrology has been around for as long as humankind started observing the activities in the heavens. To compare the compare the movement of the planets and stars to our own human lives is a brilliant (and ancient) concept. Indeed, scientists confirm that the heavens are a macrocosm to our own physical being (which would be the microcosm). In short, the universe mirrors our human-ness and vice-versa.

How Astrology can help you?

Astrology has been around for as long as humankind started observing the activities in the heavens. To compare the compare the movement of the planets and stars to our own human lives is a brilliant (and ancient) concept. Indeed, scientists confirm that the heavens are a macrocosm to our own physical being (which would be the microcosm). In short, the universe mirrors our human-ness and vice-versa.

How Astrology can help you?

Astrology has been around for as long as humankind started observing the activities in the heavens. To compare the compare the movement of the planets and stars to our own human lives is a brilliant (and ancient) concept. Indeed, scientists confirm that the heavens are a macrocosm to our own physical being (which would be the microcosm). In short, the universe mirrors our human-ness and vice-versa.