Note:  The Vedic Sun Sign describes your Public Self, the Moon Sign (Janma Rashi)describes your Emotional Personality (the way you interact with others, not necessarily how you are inside) and the Rising Sign (Lagna) describes your true Inner Self (how you are inside and how you face the world unconsciously)


Why read Regular Horoscopes?

If you have an idea what dreadful can unfold, you would be more careful or mindful about it. Similarly, regular horoscope may throw light on some possible future happenings and that could be useful for protecting self.  But please do not get blinded with this instead use your intellect at all times.   Regard the tips & guidance provided,  and always remember that your life is in your hands.


1. Aries (Mesha Rasi) (14 April – 15 May)

27-30 Oct 2021, stress level at work may increase many fold. You need to be  need to be extra careful with your job and office responsibilities. In order to improve marital relationship, you may be required to give some space to your spouse. There may be a lesson or two to learn from here, learn to  agree that people do have difference in opinions.  People who have pre-existing heart conditions or blood pressure need to be extra careful during this period.  Learn to meditate and relax.  1-10 Nov 2021,  some combative energies and intense fighting attitude may be felt , better to remain calm and cool and let this period go.  Your unfulfilled  sensual and material desires  may result in frustration. Be careful with travelling in next few weeks. You may make some decision that your  friends may find that bullying


2. Taurus (Vrishabha Rasi) (15 May – 15 June)

27-30 Oct 2021, stress level at home and/or family  may increase many fold, hence leading to unwanted arguments.  If constructing and/or  renovating your house, take extra care, some delay in building materials may frustrate and also total cost may go much more than estimated. Do not rush in making expensive decisions.  People who have pre-existing heart conditions or blood pressure need to be extra careful during this period. 1-10 Nov 2021, Everything seems to be interconnected, your challenges at work may increase distance in your marital relationship too. Some negative suggestions may pop up from friends and that could even cause more damage to your relationship. Keep away from those people who are not adding any value in your life. There are good chances to interacting with your old pal whom you may have forgotten


3. Gemini (Mithun Rasi) (15 June – 16 July)

27-30 Oct 2021,  at emotional level your confidence may swing a lot.  Do not let yourself getting into depression.  On the other hand keep an eye on your blood pressure.  People who have pre-existing heart conditions or blood pressure need to be extra careful during this period.  Over-eating, lack of exercise and stress  may increase the problem.   Learn to meditate and relax.  1-10 Nov 2021,  combative energies may be on rise, hence avoid  aggression through thoughts, words and deeds.  Have an open mind and avoid  arguing, that would  lead to a positive transformation of your intellect and communication style.  Avoid hostile decision in a rush that may affect your family harmony


 4. Cancer (Karakata Rasi) (16 July – 17 August)

27-30 Oct 2021,  you are an emotional person by nature and your concern for the  welfare of others is highly appreciated.   Do not let your confidence level go down. Income level may fluctuate a bit. Some stress at domestic level cannot be ruled out.  Keep an eye on health. People who have pre-existing conditions with heart and/or blood pressure, need to learn how to relax. 1-10 Nov 2021,  your social network may become even wider and your work shall be appreciated.  Some beautiful moments with friends may eb anticipated.  Avoid arguments, possibly convert them into healthy debates and your communicative style may take you a new heights


5. Leo (Simha Rasi) (17 August – 17 September)

27-30 Oct 2021,  some stress and worries may shake up your self-confidence during these few days. You are  born with leadership skills and this is the time to face challenges with self-belief. Do not let yourself stoop down. You may feel restricted down by certain responsibilities at home and/or at work, but this is part and parcel of life.  You must strive to meet your responsibilities with self-belief, patience and determination. People who have pre-existing conditions with heart and/or blood pressure, need to learn how to relax and take care of health.  1-10 Nov 2021,  you may face some resistance in achieving career goals


6. Virgo (Kanya Rasi) (17 September- 17 October)

27-30 Oct 2021,  very high  and sudden expenses are anticipated. This is indeed, not the time for investment at all. Avoid  any unnecessary expenditure.  If you have any have any pre-existing heart conditions and/or blood pressure issues then you may be required to avoid stress.  1-10 Nov 2021,  combative energies may be on rise, hence avoid  aggression through thoughts, words and deeds. This is not a good time for mental tasks that may require patience and self-discipline. If you keep an open mind then this could  lead to new discoveries. And may well bring  a positive transformation of your intellect and communication style


7. Libra (Tula Rasi) (17 October -16 November)

You enjoy socialising and communication is your key and now a days you may not be getting the opportunity to meet as many people as you would like. And also some, between 27-30 Oct 2021,  your stress level  due to close associates  and family issues may increase many fold.  Do whatever is required to avoid unnecessary stress. People who have pre-existing heart conditions, blood pressure, issues with liver or kidney  need  to be extra careful during this period.   1-10 Nov 2021, try to maintain love, harmony and happiness at home.  Happy family life would indeed help you to success in career too. Pay more attention to your spouse and enjoy the magic. Avoid travelling during this fortnight


8. Scoprio (Vrischik Rasi) (16 November – 16 December)

27-30 Oct 2021, avoid any further investment and unnecessary expenditure.  Do not try to hide your concerns    from your well-wishers; share your concerns, who knows you may find the solution to your problems.  Avoid stress, otherwise it may affect your health.     People who have pre-existing heart conditions,  blood pressure or some issues with kidneys need to be extra careful during this period.   1-10 Nov 2021,  some combative energies and intense fighting attitude may be felt , better to remain calm and cool and let this period go.  Your unfulfilled  sensual and material desires  may result in frustration. The only answer is to channel this passion into helping others realize their dreams. Be careful with travelling in next few weeks


9. Sagittarius (Dhanu Rasi) (16 December – 14 January)

You do  work sincerely  but do not get fair benefits for the efforts that you invest. 27-30 Oct 2021, stress level due to your career and concern for close associates  may increase many fold.  If you have pre-existing heart conditions or blood pressure then you may be required to be extra careful during this period.  Learn to relax through meditation.  1-10 Nov 2021,  some combative energies and intense fighting attitude may be felt , better to remain calm and cool and let this period go.  It is advisable to curb your dominating nature in relationship. Your unfulfilled  sensual and material desires  may result in frustration. Patience is the key to all your problems


10. Capricorn (Makara Rasi) (14 January – 13 February)

27-30 Oct 2021,  you are a practical orientated person and nature is assisting you to restructure your career  and also make important changes in your personal life.   In fact, this may be  challenging, as some people sitting at higher level may not like to support you.  Remember, if you do not make changes for your betterment  now then it may be too late.  Your determination is par excellence and have a self-belief that nothing   can stop you achieving your goal.  Keep an eye on health, especially blood pressure, heart condition and pancreas.  1-10 Nov 2021,  some domestic issues may pop up but if you remain cool and calm, the storm would go


11. Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi) (13 February – 14 March)

27-30 Oct 2021, you need to understand how pain opens the path to personal power. In fact your ego is asked to shake the shackles of control and embrace change that nature is bestowing upon you.  Some sort of conflict with your belief system, may be lack of faith in your spiritual values system.  This  would be sorted out in a few days.  During this period you are advise to take care of your health if you have blood pressure condition.  Avoid any hard cored issues with spouse and/or business partner.  1-10 Nov 2021,  some domestic issues with friends and with career may pop up.   Avoid making hasty decision during this period


12. Pisces (Meena Rasi) (14 March – 14 April)

27-30 Oct 2021, stress level due to your elder siblings, close associates, income level  and career cannot be ruled out.  Nature is asking you to make some significant changes in your life style.  Let me reaffirm that you are an adaptable creature and have survived even your worst days.   Relationship may not be that rosy during this period.  Expect challenges.  Basically you are required to face the truth head-on and make your next choice based on reality not  on fantasy and/or daydreams.  If you have pre-existing heart conditions or blood pressure then you may be required to be extra careful during this period.  Learn to relax through meditation.    1-10 Nov 2021,  some combative energies and intense fighting attitude may be felt , better to remain calm and cool and let this period go.  It is advisable to curb your dominating nature in relationship. Your unfulfilled  sensual and material desires  may result in frustration. Patience is the key to all your problems.



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Ravinder Grover

Disclaimer: ‘Without Prejudice’.  I offer my insight to Astrology solely based on my learnings of astrology principles and techniques,  some  of them learnt from the Sages of the highest order. These predictions are offered for guidance purpose only.   I offer absolute no guarantee on my calculations and analysis. These predictions are not intended to harm anyone by any means.  I expressly disclaim all warranties, implied or contingent, for making use of these predictions, for incurring any loss, loss of profit or in any manner. No notice or advice from anyone  will create any liability whatsoever