Note:  The Vedic Sun Sign describes your Public Self, the Moon Sign (Janma Rashi) describes your Emotional Personality (the way you interact with others, not necessarily how you are inside) and the Rising Sign (Lagna) describes your true Inner Self (how you are inside and how you face the world unconsciously)


Why read Regular Horoscopes?

If you have an idea what dreadful can unfold, you would be more careful or mindful about it. Similarly, regular horoscope may throw light on some possible future happenings and that could be useful for protecting self.  But please do not get blinded with this instead use your intellect at all times.   Regard the tips & guidance provided,  and always remember that your life is in your hands.



1. Aries (Mesha Rasi) (14 April – 15 May)

7-10 Jan 2021, do your homework well before making any significant decision may it be  work related or with signing of any agreements.  7-28 Jan 2021, you like it or not, there would be high temptations to get into arguments due to some disappointments, delays in getting work done or due to some unwanted Ego clashes. Try your best to keep  yourself calm. Remember arguments converted to healthy debate may increase your knowledgebase otherwise this may act as an catalyst in developing high blood pressure and heart diseases.  Please be alert while driving, even someone overtaking you can trigger aggression in you. I would go one step ahead, say, even you should not watch any movies related with aggression and violence for at least till end of Feb 2021.  There could be some issues at work as you may find hard to see some changes coming to the traditional societal structure


2. Taurus (Vrishabha Rasi) (15 May – 15 June)

7-10 Jan 2021, study pros and cons well before making any significant decision related with your material possessions, finance and children.  10-12 Jan 2021, some health issues with face, neck, throat, lungs, liver and kidney cannot be ruled out.  People who are Diabetic  and/or have some issues with Liver and Kidneys, must look after their health  for quite some time this year.   All relationships, married and business, may go through some aggressive phase till end of February 2021. Onus is on you, to save it or let it collapse. I will; strictly advise toa void any further investments this month as you expenses seem to go sky high without any notification.  Your belief system  and ethics seems to be taking the back seat in order to get some material gain.  Domestic environment may lift up with positive energy around 28 Jan 2021


3. Gemini (Mithun Rasi) (15 June – 16 July)

7-10 Jan 2021, do your homework well before making any significant decision. 10-12 Jan 2021, some health issues with shoulder and arms and Liver cannot be ruled out.  People who are Diabetic  and/or have some issues with Liver, must look after their Liver for quite some time this year.  Relationship with close friends and elder siblings may go for roller coaster ride. Avoid all arguments.  Keep always in in mind, you cannot take any risk with workplace ethics as this would play a vital role in your professional growth. Till mid-February, some challenges in relationship cannot be ruled out either. Your friends or siblings may boost your confidence level around 28 January 2021 to resolve pending issues


4. Cancer (Karakata Rasi) (16 July – 17 August)

7-10 Jan 2021, study pros and cons well before making any significant decision related with investment and signing of any agreements. 10-12 Jan 2021, some health issues with digestive system,  chest,  lungs, liver and kidney cannot be ruled out.  People who are Diabetic  and/or have some issues with Liver and Kidneys, must look after their health  for quite some time this year.   Most important area to keep you cool is  at work and your relationship with children and spouse.   It may be better to take time off work then getting into arguments and spooling all hard earned name and fame, including job.  Keep in mind your personal relationship demands upholding of Ethics and Trust and some extra work may be required to do here, possibly some counselling.    Some financial gain is possible around 28 Jan 2021


5. Leo (Simha Rasi) (17 August – 17 September)

7-10 Jan 2021, good time to take stock of your resources and setting up financial goals for rest of the year.  10-12 Jan 2021, some health issues with heart, spine, lungs, liver and kidney cannot be ruled out.  People who are Diabetic  and/or have some issues with Liver and Kidneys, must look after their health  for quite some time this year.  Some aggressive activity to do with your belief system is on cards.  Please avoid all arguments with your mentor  and colleagues at work.  Your guiding principles in life that provide direction and meaning in life may shake up. It’s  a  passing cloud.  Long distance travelling must be avoided unless it extremely urgent. Around 28 Jan 2021, You may feel more charged with positive energy and you may feel confident to go ahead with your plans


6. Virgo (Kanya Rasi) (17 September- 17 October)

7-10 Jan 2021, do your homework well before making any significant decision at work.  10-12 Jan 2021, some health issues to do with lower abdomen and liver  cannot be ruled out.  Especially people who are  Diabetic  must look after their Liver for quite some time this year.   In career, being over enthusiastic could be a challenge. Play your well planned and calculated moves only.   In fact January may be the month of various types of confusions, may it be relationship, health and trouble in guiding children. Some dilemmas in Moral Life vs Practical life may rattle you.   Confidence in relationship may be regained from 28 Jan 2021.


7. Libra (Tula Rasi) (17 October -16 November)

7-10 Jan 2021, avoid any further investments and do not lend money to anyone.   10-12 Jan 2021, some health issues to do with lumbar region, lungs, liver and kidneys   cannot be ruled out.  Especially people who are  Diabetic  must look after their Liver for quite some time this year.   Relationship may go through churning process  but this does mean that you should straight away file divorce; Rather do everything possible under Sun to restore the wounded relationship.   Around 24 Jan 2021, domestic environment may get a bit tense; dilute the drama with wisdom. Around 28 Jan 2021, talk it over to close friends who may come up with bright ideas to resolve this issue.


8. Scoprio (Vrischik Rasi) (16 November – 16 December)

7-28 Jan 2021, you like it or not, there would be high temptations to get into arguments due to some disappointments, delays in getting work done or due to some unwanted Ego clashes. Try your best to keep  yourself calm. I am told the Godden rule is ‘Always Avoid Arguments’  or  learn the art of converting arguments into healthy debates, which may help sharpening the mind.   Arguments taken to heart  may act as an catalyst in developing high blood pressure and heart diseases.  Please be alert while driving.   Career wise, hold on what you have in hands till end of Feb 2021. Some frustration and hindrances cannot be ruled out, but the time may not be very fruitful to play around with job


9. Sagittarius (Dhanu Rasi) (16 December – 14 January)

7-10 Jan 2021, avoid  making any significant relationship and career related decisions. During this period. 10-12 Jan 2021, some health issues with hips & thighs, Liver, Lungs and Kidneys cannot be ruled out.  People who are Diabetic  and/or have some issues with Kidneys or Liver, must look after their health for quite some time this year. In fact January may be the month of various types of confusions, may it be relationship, health and communications. How to live your life with Ethics would be the challenge you may need to meet.  Career wise, around 28 Jan 2021, you may become more enthusiastic and may take initiative in resuming long waited projects, hence making positive impact on your portfolio


10. Capricorn (Makara Rasi) (14 January – 13 February)

7-10 Jan 2021, the strength of your faith would be tested.  10-12 Jan 2021, some health issues with knees, hands, spine, lungs, liver and kidney cannot be ruled out.  People who are Diabetic  and/or have some issues with liver and kidneys, must look after their health  for quite some time this year.   Aggressive domestic environment may build up high level of stress. Only love can solve the problem.  Some magnetic powers of attraction can lead to an intense new karmic relationship.  Avoid working from home as much as possible, otherwise you may blow out the roof and get involved in domestic violence. Around 28 Jan 2021, you may get good advice through your spiritual sources and that boost your  self-confidence to next level


11. Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi) (13 February – 14 March)

 7-10 Jan 2021,   you must keep an eye  on your children and their mobile devices.   10-12 Jan 2021, some health issues with ankle, feet, circulatory system or liver cannot be ruled out.  People who are Diabetic  and/or have some issues with liver and kidneys, must look after their health for quite some time this year.  This is the time to build up good relationship with teenagers and guide them to Morality.   Avoid all arguments with friends and siblings. Beware of fine prints if you have to sign any agreement.  Avoid any further investment on or around 24 Jan 2021. Your spouse may come up with a great idea on or around, 28 Jan 2021.


12. Pisces (Meena Rasi) (14 March – 14 April)

7-10 Jan 2021, avoid  making any significant decision related with home front, business and relationship.  For the month of January, you are advised to keep your tongue under control.  Remember,     2½ inches long tongue has the capacity  to kill 6 feet tall man in no time.  9-11 Jan 2021, communication issues in relationship may flare up, if not controlled in time.  10-12 Jan 2021, some health issues with feet and toes cannot be ruled out.  People who are Diabetic  and/or have some issues with Liver or Kidney, must look after their health for quite some time this year. You may be tempted to compromise your ethics at work which you do not need to. Just exercise patience, around 28 Jan 2021, you may feel more charged with positive energy and things may start getting restored



Ravinder Grover

Disclaimer: ‘Without Prejudice’.  I offer my insight to Astrology solely based on my learnings of astrology principles and techniques,  some  of them learnt from the Sages of the highest order. These predictions are offered for guidance purpose only.   I offer absolute no guarantee on my calculations and analysis. These predictions are not intended to harm anyone by any means.  I expressly disclaim all warranties, implied or contingent, for making use of these predictions, for incurring any loss, loss of profit or in any manner. No notice or advice from anyone  will create any liability whatsoever