Note: TheVedic Sun Signdescribes your Public Self, the Moon Sign(Janma Rashi)describes your Emotional Personality(the way you interact with others, not necessarily how you are inside) and the Rising Sign(Lagna)describes your true Inner Self(how you are inside and how you face the world unconsciously)


  1. Aries (Mesha Rashi): (14 April – 15 May)

Starting name Syllable as: Chu, ChAE, chO, lA, lee, Lu, lAE, lO, Aa

As this fortnight opens, you start doubting yourself, which is very rare, otherwise  you are a courageous person.   Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know clearly what you want from life. The fear of failure is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible.  Move forward, make appropriate changes at career front that are required to then see the beauty of your first step. Singles may find a new companion, if he or she is good looking but does not belong to a good family then  one  must never marry such person.


  1. Taurus (Vrishabha Rashi): (15 May – 15 June)

Starting name Syllable as:   ee, uu, Ai, O, vaa, vee, vu, ve, vO

The karmic stage being setup for quite some time. Be ready for the career coup, opportunity would rise to make a headway on a professional ambition but need to keep your head cool at all times.  New professional offers may come up, don’t get excited as you should don’t assume a deal is done until the ink is dry.  Key for the career is “work smarter”. In relationship  be safe and do due diligence on your doubts.


  1. Gemini (Mithun Rashi): (15 June – 16 July)

Starting name Syllable as:   kA, ki, kU, gHa, ṅA, cha, kAE, Ko, hA

You could be the messenger of God if you chose to become one consciously.  Lately your perception in life started changing into spiritual nature, even you may not be aware of. Duality is your innate nature,  but you are in the middle of readjustment process of finding balance between heart and mind; analyse  calmly all available options. A coward gets scared and quits, a hero gets scared and goes on. Keep marching and most importantly stay focused.



  1. Cancer (Karakata Rashi): (16 July – 17 August)

Starting name Syllable as:   hee, hU, hAE, hO, ḍA, ḍee, ḍU, ḍAE,ḍO  

Your life has been going through the roller coaster for  quite some time.  That  forces you to think if the time would change for good at all.   You are full of good ideas but never getting opportunity to implement  them. Don’t put your ideas aside but plan properly. Once you start working on something, don’t be afraid of failure and don’t abandon it.  People who work sincerely are the happiest.  Trust, lady luck would smile sooner than expected.



  1. Leo (Simha Rashi): (17 August – 17 September)

Starting name Syllable as:   mA, mee, mU, mAE, mO, ṭA, ṭee,ṭU, ṭAE

Trust your inborn leadership qualities.  You should not fret for what is past, nor should you be anxious about the future, people of discernment deal only with the present moment.  Put your all ideas onto developing a better career as this time may not come again for a while. Relationship with spouse may be a bit aggressive,. A moment of patience in a moment of anger can help you avoid a thousand moments of sorrow. Drink coconut water.



  1. Virgo (Kanya Rashi): (17 September- 17 October) 

Starting name Syllable as:  ṭO, paa, pi, pU, ṣA, ṇa, ṭhA, pAE, pO

Your beauty is that you are down to earth  and practical person. But lately you have been concerned with friendship & domestic issues.  It’s said, never make friends with people who are above or below you in status,  such friendship will never give you any happiness. Rectify your mistake diplomatically. Trust your spouse who is always there to give you helping hand and make your life fulfilling.  Positive vibrations at career  front are foreseen.  Enjoy your work.



  1. Libra (Tula Rashi): (17 October -16 November)

Starting name Syllable as:   rA, ri, rU, rAE, rO, ta, tee, tU, tAE

You have made some choices in the past that have delivered you a completely new chapter to your life’s journey.  Count your blessings.  You are standing on a new ground and avail this opportunity to build your career but with consulting elders and with care.  Success would be yours. The biggest Guru mantra for you is never share your secrets with anybody, otherwise it may destroy you.  Key for your happy relationship lies within you and the time demands more patience for some time.


  1. Scoprio (Vrischik Rashi):   (16 November – 16 December) 

Starting name Syllable as:    tO, nA, nee, nU, nAE, nO, ya, yEE, yU

You are standing on crossroad and cannot decide which way to go, especially in domestic front. Time is trying to teach you a lesson to make  important decisions of life after listening to the  ‘Inner Voice’.  You would realise soon that this could be your evolutionary journey towards fulfilment.  Spouse may demand overseas journey or like to have expensive gifts. Choice is again ours. House may need minor renovation, please get the proper quotes before your start.



  1. Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi): (16 December – 14 January) 

Starting name Syllable as: yAE, yO, bhA, bhee, bhU, dhA, phA, ḍha, bhAE

You may have been searching for truth for over a decade.  Other are noticing  the amazing growth in your conduct and they would like to be in your shoes now.  Just imagine how much you have inspired others by following one code of conduct. Your spouse has been giving you the helping hand in your goal of life. Your home is a miniature universe and all harmony is due to your spouse. Show your gratitude to her/him. 


  1. Capricorn (Makara Rasi): (14 January – 13 February) 

Starting name Syllable as:    bhO, jA, jee, khee, khU, khAE, khO, gA, gee

You need to maintain the alignment  amongst body, mind and Intellect. This may remove  your   self-doubts  and positiveness would radiate from within. Stand-up, march forward with confident.  You are potent with unique ability to turn the situation in your favour especially when it comes to self-growth and relationships. Books are as useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind person. Trust your experience and inner self and put all at work and see the positive outcome in career.


  1. Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi): (13 February – 14 March) 

Starting name Syllable as: GU, gAE, gO, SA, see, su, sAE, sO, DA

Do impartial introspection with proper understanding of the various aspects of your mind; hence solution would pop up.  Learn to think positively, not to worry.  Have clarity of mind. Don’t become a worrier, become a warrior.  Your all  problems can be solved as they  are self-created. As you are responsible for creating your problems, you have the power to be freed from these very same problems. Your spouse would throw positive light upon you. Better career is waiting for you after you overpower your negative emotions.



  1. Pisces (Meena Rasi): (14 March – 14 April)

Starting name Syllable as:    di, du, thA, jhA, trA, dAE, dO, chA, chee

The journey to the centre of you has started. This is called God’s Grace. Some long distance travelling could add some spiritual value to your life; this what you have been waiting for so long.  In relationship, observe around and learn from the mistake of others. You cannot live long enough to make similar mistakes all by yourself.  You need to blend some family values with modern technology onto your children. Career seem to be move slow but steady in one direction and don’t play around with it.


Ravinder Grover
