Note:  The Vedic Sun Sign describes your Public Self, the Moon Sign (Janma Rashi)describes your Emotional Personality (the way you interact with others, not necessarily how you are inside) and the Rising Sign (Lagna) describes your true Inner Self (how you are inside and how you face the world unconsciously)


Why read Regular Horoscopes?

If you have an idea what dreadful can unfold, you would be more careful or mindful about it. Similarly, regular horoscope may throw light on some possible future happenings and that could be useful for protecting self.  But please do not get blinded with this instead use your intellect at all times.   Regard the tips & guidance provided,  and always remember that your life is in your hands.



  1. Aries (Mesha Rasi) (14 April – 15 May)

1-3 Sep 2021, your close associated may not respond the way you wish. 3-6 Sep 2021, Be confident, any negotiation or important decision regarding long term planning can be made with clarity. From 7 Sep 2021, if still single, you may get good a proposal for marriage.  If married,  it may be harder for you and your spouse to understand each other’s perspectives.  Try to consolidate your gains in the professional field before 11 Oct 2021.  Remember, as at today, the connections in your life would impact your career direction Health can improve, however try to get adequate rest. From 14 Sep2021, allow yourself to trust; let others get to know you so that you can reinstall your faith in your inner self.



  1. Taurus (Vrishabha Rasi) (15 May – 15 June)

You have been going through an inside rebuilding throughout the last few months, and now the time has come to look forward for better future. 2-3 Sep 2021, stop worrying about your status in society.  Things would change soon.  3-6 Sep 2021, be confident, any negotiation or important decision regarding income, finance and  children’s future can be planned  with clarity. From 7 Sep 2021, You are likely to benefit from the stock market. Any simmering tension in a love relationship is likely to be exposed. From 14 Sep 2021, tests of trust and loyalty could add pressure to your existing relationships. Do not hold grudge against anyone, trust that everything unfolds the way it does for a reason.



  1. Gemini (Mithun Rasi) (15 June – 16 July)

1-3 Sep 2021, challenging time to  keep your faith intact. 3-6 Sep 2021, Be confident, any negotiation or important decision regarding your health and domestic activities may be planned  with clarity. From 7 Sep 2021, You are likely to come up with an idea to grow your business. But at the same time, tension in  relationship may occur if you are too forceful. Focus instead on the richness of your family life and create the work-life balance.  From 14 Sep 2021, career changes or redirections are within reach, but you must first trust and have faith in your Inner self



  1. Cancer (Karakata Rasi) (16 July – 17 August)

Be alert as hidden enemies, jealousy, betrayals, conspiracies against you are possible. 1-3 Sep 2021,  an internal struggle against insecurities and other worries is indicated.  Check  and update your insurance policies.  3-6 Sep 2021, Be confident, any negotiation or important decision regarding paper work and investment  may be planned with clarity. From 7 Sep 2021, increased self-confidence may allow you to express the more unique side of your personality.   If single, instant attraction could lead to an intense new romance followed with tension. Put it this way, a healthy relationship will withstand the intensity. From 14 Sep 2021, merging your heart and mind may bring you closer to peace and inner fulfilment  



  1. Leo (Simha Rasi) (17 August – 17 September)

1-3 Sep 2021,  trust and faith are extremely important in any relationship; and that you are lacking right now.  Sudden issues at domestic environment may erupt  too. Sort it out with love and understanding soon as possible 3-6 Sep 2021, Be confident, any negotiation or important decision regarding income and setting up  long term goals can be planned with clarity. From 7 Sep 2021, this is a great time for dating but also for mending any stressful relationships. From 14 Sep 2021,   further challenges in relationship and career cannot be ruled out. You may have to make changes in career for the sake of relationship.



  1. Virgo (Kanya Rasi) (17 September- 17 October)

Be alert as  small issues if triggered, may later impact your future gains. 1-3 Sep 2021,  avoid any litigation related issues during this time frame. This may be  a low point in your energy regarding    competitiveness.  Self-deception or being deceived by others are on cards.  This is not the time to be taking risks or chasing rainbows. 3-6 Sep 2021, Be confident, any negotiation or important decision regarding work and   career  may be planned with clarity. From 7 Sep 2021,  time to stand up and eliminate all obstacles that are hindrance to your success.  From 14 Sep 2021,   keep an eagle eye on your children and make sure they are guided towards the right path



  1. Libra (Tula Rasi) (17 October -16 November)

Finances would be average but avoid speculations. 1-3 Sep 2021,  keep an eagle eye on your children, must check what do they watch in electronic devices.  3-6 Sep 2021, be confident, any negotiation or important decision regarding investment and higher education  may be planned with clarity. From 7 Sep 2021, avoid further investments or taking any risks in business.  If still single and have been laying eyes on someone then please exercise patience, this may not be the right time to get it to the next level. From 14 Sep 2021,  maintaining harmony at domestic front would be the most important thing for the coming few months.



  1. Scoprio (Vrischik Rasi) (16 November – 16 December)

Personal health should always be on top priority. 1-3 Sep 2021,  something fishy may be happening at domestic front.  Investigate that all is well within the family. 3-6 Sep 2021, Be confident, any negotiation or important decision regarding in insurance, inheritance and investment may be planned with clarity. From 7 Sep 2021, You may feel like trying something new  that is  outside of your normal routine. From 14 Sep 2021,   unexpected challenges from siblings and friends cannot be ruled out. Avoid signing any contract without reading the fine prints



  1. Sagittarius (Dhanu Rasi) (16 December – 14 January)

Finances may be tight so budgeting is advisable. Avoid speculation and keep your expectations realistic. 1-3 Sep 2021,   self-deception and being deceived by  friends  are on the cards and that can bring some discouragement and feeling of inadequacy.  The best option would be to  conserve your energy or express it through a  spiritual outlet. 3-6 Sep 2021, be confident, any negotiation or important decision regarding career and relationship  may be planned with clarity.  Although time for health cannot be said very well, there will be ups and downs so take care. From 14 Sep 2021,   Focus ought to be on family and your resources



  1. Capricorn (Makara Rasi) (14 January – 13 February)

Avoid taking long term risks and avoid all disputes whatsoever they may be.  1-3 Sep 2021,     do not get deceived by  your current income.  Find legitimate ways to improve your finances. 3-6 Sep 2021, Be confident, any negotiation or important decision regarding health, work and higher knowledge  may be planned with clarity. From 7 Sep 2021, Some struggle in marital relationship may come up on surface. Be that as it may, you ought to be aware of the danger of control, following, mystery, envy and possessiveness. From 14 Sep 2021, your mental focus and concentration shall yield in  career gain



  1. Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi) (13 February – 14 March)

Keep an eye on your professional, finances and legal issues. 1-3 Sep 2021,  Do not waste  energy  by blaming others.  Conserve  your energy for better things, may be express it through a creative or spiritual outlet. 3-6 Sep 2021, Be confident, any negotiation or important decision regarding children’s education and insurance related issues   may be planned with clarity. From 7 Sep 2021, do not be deceived with your finances. They could become shaky in no time.  Business may get  tend to be on the slower side, so keep your expenses to bare minimum. From 14 Sep 2021,    avoid any further investment for a few months.



  1. Pisces (Meena Rasi) (14 March – 14 April)

1-3 Sep 2021,  Take care of your job, it may be on higher risk. Your colleague may upset you with their tactics.   3-6 Sep 2021, Be confident, any negotiation or important decision regarding domestic activity and relationship  issues   may be planned with clarity. From 7 Sep 2021, open your eyes and start seeing the world in real prospective, that is, start living in reality. Believe me, you have the necessary knowledge, skills and wisdom to get through this. From 14 Sep 2021,   challenges from trusted associates may upset you. some issues with income may pop up.



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Ravinder Grover

Disclaimer: ‘Without Prejudice’.  I offer my insight to Astrology solely based on my learnings of astrology principles and techniques,  some  of them learnt from the Sages of the highest order. These predictions are offered for guidance purpose only.   I offer absolute no guarantee on my calculations and analysis. These predictions are not intended to harm anyone by any means.  I expressly disclaim all warranties, implied or contingent, for making use of these predictions, for incurring any loss, loss of profit or in any manner. No notice or advice from anyone  will create any liability whatsoever