High Alert Time for the entire World   (8 Sep 2021 – 22 Nov 2021)


Theme:  ‘Challenges in Ethics, Morale and Economy


The forthcoming Astrological configuration of planets tend to invoke the Extreme Evil Forces  into Action  and  Churn the World  into Chaos anytime from  8 Sep 2021 to 22 Nov 2021. There would be huge challenges in Ethics, Morale and Economy


Let me put on record, for the forthcoming period, purely Astrologically speaking, Dharma (Right Conduct) is on the verge of Declining and the onus is on all people to Follow the ‘Inner Voice’ and save the World.   


 In nutshell for the Layman, please read the following predictions:

  1. COVID-19: 3rd wave would rise. In fact, 3rd Wave of Covid-19 started subtly from 20 June 2021 but would pick up exponentially from 8 Sep 2021, and especially become worst from 15 Sep 2021 bringing further challenges till 22 Nov 2021.
  2. USA may become WORST in times to come w.r.t Covid-19 or its variants
  3. Lockdown period to increase in affected countries
  4. Terror Attacks would be on increase
  5. Earthquakes and/or Natural Calamities are on sight
  6. Astrologically,  we seem to be in a kind of World War 3. As per statistics,  this happens more or less every 40 years (war cycle).  This does not seem to end  before the first quarter of 2024 
  7. War like scary for India, China, Pakistan and neighbouring countries cannot be ruled out
  8. 8 Sep 2021 – 20 Sep 2021: Violence and Destruction all Over
  9. Jupiter’s significations (as given below), such as Ethics, Values, Dharma, would FALL DRASTICALLY in most areas, say in Humanity, Politics, Government, Religious places, Organisations, Companies and Governing bodies, etc
  10. Please note, even Places of Worship, Religious and Spiritual orientated related organisations would NOT be spared. They may doom to practise Real understanding of Love and Humanity
  11. People will make bad judgement
  12. Medical issues with Liver, Pancreas, Diabetes, thighs, feet, fat, brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, ears, tongue, memory, spleen etc. will rise
  13. Character assassination, Falsehood, Cheating, etc  would be on rise
  14. Either Advisors, Spiritual & Religious people, ‘God Men’, Gurus, etc  would NOT  be able to help the society OR they would NOT  be respected or heard at all
  15. So called Religious/Spiritual people would be EXPOSED with malpractices
  16. Financial market  may tumble or fluctuate
  17. This time frame is inclined to increase crime all over the world, crumble certain countries, may bring loss of human values and rulers becoming tyrannical  10. Trouble would increase manyfold in countries who are already in trouble, like Afghanistan, Pakistan Israel, Palestine, Taiwan, etc. War like scenario is on cards
  18. The rebellious urges tend to explode and burst forth seemingly out of nowhere
  19. Sudden explosions or outbursts in collective rioting are possible.  
  20. New invention/discovery may come up, anytime between 16 Aug 2021 to mid Jan 2022
  21. 18 jul 2021- 18 Jan 2022: Fight for freedom would rise in many countries
  22. Unexpected fire-related disasters like volcanoes, forest fires are already happenings  and may increase more
    Medically, more cases of issues with Fat, Thighs, Brain, Lungs, Liver, Kidney, Memory, Tongue, Right Ear, Knees, Ankles, Lower leg and Spleen would be on rise.
  23. In other words, World Leaders may stoop below the lowest Ethics & Moral levels, Crime would increase, some  Government policies may fail, drastically,  widespread misery and illness in the general public is indicated,  hence resulting in ‘Chaos all over the World’.   
  24. Countries that may be affected most: USA, Afghanistan,  Pakistan, Israel, India, China, 




Ravinder Grover


Disclaimer: ‘Without Prejudice’.  I offer my insight to Astrology solely based on my learnings of astrology principles and techniques,  some  of them learnt from the Sages of the highest order. These predictions are offered for guidance purpose only.   I offer absolute no guarantee on my calculations and analysis. These predictions are not intended to harm anyone by any means.  I expressly disclaim all warranties, implied or contingent, for making use of these predictions, for incurring any loss, loss of profit or in any manner. No notice or advice from anyone  will create any liability whatsoever