“Moon signifies Mind and lack of light on Moon would make Six Inner Enemies (desire, anger, attachment, greed, jealousy and ego) more active; hence disturbing the mind.  If it’s not guarded then the contemplated negative thoughts could manifest into undesirable actions resulting into negative Karma. It’s better to absorb the Mind into sacred activities and contemplate on God which would help to you conquer the Six Inner Enemies”


I endeavour to write this Blog in three parts:

  •  Part I gives  the possible effects of the forthcoming Solar Eclipse on the World, India and New Zealand in Bullet Points

  •  Part II  gives the scientific  of the Solar Eclipse    

  •  Part III  gives the Brief Astrological Analysis for my calculations for the predictions


Part I:  Possible effects of this Solar Eclipse  of  4 December 2021 on the World, India and New Zealand in Bullet Points

WORLD: 5 Dec 2021 – 16 Jan 2022:  HIGH  ALERT

  1. Natural Disasters/Calamities   (Incidents related with Water  and Fire Elements as they would be more active, such as Havoc from Heavy Rains, Floods, Storms, Cyclones, Tsunamis, Volcanoes, Tornadoes  and Earthquakes (possible in water) cannot be ruled out. Coastal areas are indeed prone to more damage)

  2. Covid-19 and its variants (possibly Secret behind Covid-19 and its Variants may pop up).

  3. High Alert: Virus may surge further and acutely and/or another wave of virus and mutant strains are on cards, especially more prominent between 5 – 12 December and again from 29 Dec 2021 till 16 Jan 2022.  Frustrations due to the lack of clarity in relation to resources and a treatment plan for Covid-19 and its variants. There shall be Demand for further Clarity in Treatment Plan.   

  4. Hot SPOTS: South Africa, Africa, Australia and their neighbourhood including  New Zealand (Eclipses have a greater influence where they are visible, so Australia and South Africa will be hot locations, especially since it is summer there, and the lock-downs and madness with Covid politics might lead to tremendous unrest  around 8-20 December 2021)

  5.  Political turmoil is on cards

  6. Fatal  Accidents due to water/Fire related  elements   (Factories, Petrol Tanker,  Petrol Storage explosion, Chemical plan explosion, Submarine, ships, boats)

  7. Underneath/Hidden activities/or such hidden matters revealed,  Possible involvement of Fire/Explosive  element/events

  8. Stock Market fluctuation

  9. Extreme Weathers Conditions   (Countries/places around Northern hemisphere would experience extreme Cold, Havoc from Heavy Snow fall/storms;  and   countries/places around Southern hemisphere would experience more Havoc from Rains, Floods, Cyclones, Unseasonal rains and Cloudy days, especially around Western & Southern Australia.  This can affect New Zealand  too)

  10. Publications, Media, Literacy World, Agreements, Education, Communications related issues would arise

  11. High Alert…. New Year Celebration may involve unwanted incidents…….Please keep your ‘plans flexible’ because a Storm (emotional, political, mental or physical) is developing by the end of the year 2021

  12.  Some bigger changes are on cards. Whether we like it or not, secrets/hidden things from the past would be revealed out into the open

  13. Death of the national leader cannot be ruled out

  14. 8-21 Dec 2021 (This time period   is a prone to ‘Sudden Activities’):

  • Covid-19, Delta, or another wave, or its mutant strains may surge  

  • Potential attacks on secret places, bombing, shootings, attacks including Digital  attacks

  • Sudden loss of power  (Politician or a person in some high authority may lose his/her Power/support  all at sudden)

  • Cancer and other chronic diseases may be on the rise


14.  12 Dec 2021 – 28 Feb 2022  and   3-5 March 2022:

  • Fight for Power struggle would increase

  • Issues related with wealth, women and children on rise

  • Entertainment industry, Places of Entertainments, Film Starts, Artists, Musicians, Cosmetic Industry, Luxury items, certain category of Females and ‘Work of Art’ would face more challenges. Fire element plays a vital role here.  This would be very dominant on 11 and 25 Dec 2021

  • Realisation what we value more is on the way…suddenly masses may realise what is more valuable for them w.r.t   relationship with family rather than running after material things

  • Some clarity with a new Virus Omicron may come, possibly from 19 Dec 2021

  • Be Aware, from 19 Dec 2021, Virus may start spreading further, not necessarily dangerous and may affect Females and children more

  • Significant events and/or challenges related with    Luxury Industry,  Information Technology, Leisure Industry, Automobile Industry and Females are on cards


15.  10-29 Dec 2021:  

  • Communication issues would be on rise

  • Rational approach would be compromised

  • Lack of information can may lead to disaster and/or more problems

  • Travel and business will be affected


India: In addition to above

  • Northern India and/or hilly areas of Himalayan regions would experience more rains, flash floods, storms and heavy snowfalls fall this year

  • New Delhi, UP, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab would shiver in cold waves starting right from 5 Dec 2021 till Makara Sankranti on 14 Jan 2022

  • Mathematically, Solar Eclipse would happen in the  7th House of India’s Foundation Day chart  (15 August 1947, 00:01 hours, New Delhi, India ) and in  9th House of the Eclipse Chart (4 Dec 2021, 13:13 hours, New Delhi, India).  

  • In addition to above the following may happen:

    1. War like Scenario and Border Clashes with neighbouring countries cannot be ruled out

    2. Spread of Virus (old or new)

    3. Possible Terrorism along the border located states 

    4. Stock Market fluctuation

    5. Some Corrupt Practices may come out



New Zealand: In addition to above, Higher authorities would focus on the following Themes:

If I just look at the Lunation chart of Auckland, New Zealand of 4 Dec 2021, and Solar Eclipse Chart, here are the KEYWORDS which the Government would FACE and/or FOCUS upon:

  1. Hot SPOTS: South Africa, Africa, Australia and their neighbourhood including  New Zealand (Eclipses have a greater influence where they are visible, so Australia and South Africa will be hot locations, especially since it is summer there, and the lock-downs and madness with Covid politics might lead to tremendous unrest  around  8-20 December 2021)

  2. Weather Conditions (More cloudier, Rainy days or Humid days in the month of December 2021 than Sunny days)

  3. Progress and Development of New Zealand

  4. Struggle & Difficulty  (Stability of the Government in power as  well as opposition party would be  questioned)

  5.  Health, Disease, Death & Longevity (Public health, Medical Services,  Cancers or lingering Diseases rise, Sickness, Epidemics and Mass Diseases)

  6. Enemies & Litigation

  7. Solving Problems (Special task force may be required to help people out who have suffered severely due to Lockdown)

  8. Service, National Employment, Business,  Labour unrest, Trade Unions/Troubles, even strikes 

  9. Debt, Wealth, Inheritance, Insurance and  Social Security   

  10. Scandal & Humiliation (possible revelation of secrets)

  11. Natural Disasters (water and fire elements play a vital role here)

  12. Games & Entertainment, entertainment industry or places of entertainment & creativity involving children  (Government may struggle too revive these industries)

  13.  National food supplies (Shortage of Food supplies cannot be ruled out)

  14. Possible demise of a national ruler

  15.  Defence forces – Armed, air and naval forces, ships, military matters

  16. Terror Attack 

  17. Death rate, state treasury, unexpected troubles, instability, accidents and  Suicides

  18. Stock and Financial market   and  Financial relations with foreign countries




Part II: The Scientific  explanation  of the Solar Eclipse   

 What Is a Solar Eclipse?

A Solar Eclipse occurs when the  Moon gets between Earth and the Sun, and the Moon casts a shadow over Earth. A solar eclipse can only take place at the phase of new moon, when the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth and its shadows fall upon Earths surface.    An eclipse of the Sun happens when the New Moon moves between the Sun and Earth, blocking out the Sun’s rays and casting a shadow on parts of Earth.

The Moon’s shadow is not big enough to engulf the entire planet, so the shadow is always limited to a certain area (see map illustrations below). This area changes during the course of the eclipse because the Moon and Earth are in constant motion: Earth continuously rotates around its axis while it orbits the Sun, and the Moon orbits Earth. This is why solar eclipses seem to travel from one place to another.


Types of Solar Eclipses

There are 4 different types of solar eclipses. How much of the Sun’s disk is eclipsed, the eclipse magnitude, depends on which part of the Moon’s shadowfalls on Earth.

  1. Partial solar eclipses occur when the Moon only partially obscures the Sun’s disk and casts only its penumbra on Earth.

  2. Annular solar eclipses take place when the Moon’s disk is not big enough to cover the entire disk of the Sun, and the Sun’s outer edges remain visible to form a ring of fire in the sky. An annular eclipse of the Sun takes place when the Moon is near apogee, and the Moon’s antumbra falls on Earth.

  3. Total solar eclipses happen when the Moon completely covers the Sun, and it can only take place when the Moon is near perigee, the point of the Moon’s orbit closest to Earth. You can only see a total solar eclipse if you’re in the path where the Moon casts its darkest shadow, the umbra.

  4. Hybrid Solar Eclipses, also known as annular-total eclipses, are the rarest type. They occur when the same eclipse changes from an annular to a total solar eclipse, and/or vice versa, along the eclipse’s path.

  Illustration of lunar nodes with Sun, Earth, and Moon

Ref: timeanddate.com

What is Sutak?

Sutak is certain duration of time before Solar and Lunar Eclipse.  Duration of Sutak depends upon the observable Sunrise & Sunset of the place at the time of eclipse.  At average, it is observed for 12 hours before Solar Eclipse and for  9 hours before Lunar Eclipse.

What happens during Sutak and Eclipse?

It’s said that the earth’s energy mistakes the eclipse as a full cycle of the Moon.  It’s believed that during Sutak the atmosphere starts getting contaminated with harmful energies of North Node & South Nodes of the Moon (called Rahu & Ketu in Vedic Astrology respectively). During Sutak Biorhythmic, Gravitational, Physiological, Emotional and Neurological fluctuations start taking place and last till end of Eclipse.   Also, logically speaking, the cooked food goes through the phases of its deterioration much more rapidly in a subtle way than it does on a normal day.  


Theme for the Lunar and Solar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse took place on 19 Nov 2021 in Taurus Sign at 3-07 deg in Kritika Nakshatra, Pada 2, controlled by Sun. This partial lunar eclipse was visible from North and South America, Australia, and parts of Europe and Asia.  Taurus being the 2nd house of the Natural Zodiac did set up the theme as    ‘Possessions, Resources, Values, Materialism, Conventional Beliefs, Childhood, Food, Finances & Income’.


To my understanding,  Solar Eclipse sets some Theme for the period of 6 months to 1 year or say till the following Annual Solar Eclipse.  This forthcoming Solar Eclipse would take place on 4 Dec 2021 in Scorpio sign at 18-12-56 deg in Nakshatra Jyeshtha, Pada 1, as the Eclipse Point, controlled by Mercury. (Note: Degree of the Eclipse Point may vary slightly  based on the Astrology Software and Ayanamsha used).  Scorpio is the 8nd house of the Natural Zodiac, fixed sign with  Water Element.  The theme for the Solar Eclipse seems to be   ‘Hidden areas, Underneath,Transformation, Secrets, Psychology and Alliances, Death & Longevity, Partner’s wealth, Inheritance & insurance, esoteric knowledge, scandal & humiliation, Floods, Earthquakes, Storms and Chronic problems, Debts  of  a country/city/corporation,  Death,    Accidents, Terror Attacks, Murders, Shootings, Transformation, Natural Disasters and   situations of inequality or where people have felt oppressed”. You can expect some activity related with this area


Annular Solar Eclipse: When, Where and at Time?

To observe the whole phase of this total solar eclipse, you will have to travel to Antarctica. Weather permitting, partial Solar Eclipse would be visible at some places, such as in South Africa (Cape Town, George, Marion Islands, Prince Edward Islands), in Australia (Australian Capital Territory, Canberra, Tasmania, Melbourne), in New Zealand (Southland, Queenstown and Oban), Namibia, Falkland Islands and in some other places


Solar Eclipse makes more affects wherever it is visible. But to my experience, regardless of Solar Eclipse is visible or not, it still causes some subtle affects Globally. Please note, Eclipses disclose deep truths and bring to light deep unconscious patterns that need to be healed; they are a wonderful thing and should not be frightened. Please see your personal Astrologer to guide you to decode what this Solar Eclipse means for you in your customised Astrology Chart


You may google and see the Stages, Time  and Path of the Solar Eclipse path in detail at www.timeanddate.com


Guide: How to Cope Solar Eclipse

Eclipses always arrive in pairs, coinciding with new moon and full moons, as solar and lunar eclipses, respectively. They appear in a family of signs that are joined on the same axis. Said another way, eclipse families come in pairs of signs that are found exactly opposite each other (six months apart) on the horoscope wheel.


  1. Eclipses have the  potential to make deep profound psychological effects at Subconscious level.

  2. You may become more Emotional than usual

  3. Look after your health if your birthday falls within 10 days of Solar Eclipse

  4. This Eclipse has the potential to bring news of big events. Regardless of what happens, it will become apparent that the entire universe is determined to push you to move ahead. Obscuration frequently mark a significant defining moment

  5. Something significant may end to start something different

  6. This Eclipse is more enthusiastic as it welcomes conclusive endings

  7.  NEVER EVER under any circumstance issue ultimatums or take big actions under any Eclipse, may it be Solar Eclipse or Lunar Eclipse  

  8.  NEVER EVER begin a new project/venture at Eclipse time, may it be Solar Eclipse or Lunar Eclipse

  9. This Eclipse may bring a random event and/or change in life that you do not expect; even that me be delivered right at your doorsteps. Sometimes the event may have started somewhere else, may be totally out of your control, but it can create forces of changes in a significant scale to you

  10. This Eclipse may speed your sense of time and ‘Change your Plans’

  11. This Eclipse may help you to see the ‘True Character’ of someone close to you

  12. Take notice of all news, signals and messages seriously that you get near an Eclipse. Please note, sometimes you are able to face big challenges successfully by paying attention to the signals/messages you pick up at Eclipse time

  13. Sometimes, (subject to your Astrological Chart where the Eclipse takes place), the Eclipse has the potential to ‘Eclipse out’ or give “trouble” someone important your life. Generally, Solar eclipse signifies “Male” and Lunar eclipse signifies “Female”

  14. Eclipses always stimulate Cancer and Leo signs in the Astrological chart regardless of where in which sign the eclipse takes place

Action Plan during Sutak and Eclipse

  1. As per Indian scriptures, it is NOT auspicious to watch the Solar and Lunar Eclipses with naked eyes

  1. Avoid consuming cooked food and any liquid

  1. As per Vedic scriptures, Moon signifies Mind and lack of light on Moon would make six inner enemies (desire, anger, attachment, greed, jealousy and ego) more active; hence disturbing the mind. If it’s not guarded, then the contemplated negative thoughts could manifest into undesirable actions resulting into negative Karma. It’s better to absorb the mind into sacred activities and contemplate on God which would help you to conquer the Six Inner Enemies

  1. In other words as in point 3, Mind is connected with the Moon; the Body is connected with the Earth and the Sun is connected with both. The time when all three come in alignment, it is believed to be good time for spiritual practices.  It is not a good time to eat or indulge in pleasures. It is a good time to conserve energy. So, from the ancient times it is said that you should not eat during the eclipse, and you should meditate.  Eclipses are more useful for spiritual practices. This is the best way to spend time during an eclipse as the meditation and contemplation can go much be deeper

  1. The secret of eclipses is that they are extremely spiritually powerful and can result in significant inner spiritual progress. It is highly recommend to chant Mantra   during the Eclipse time as this gives 1000 times more effects

  2. Highly recommended Mantra to chant during Eclipse are  “Om Namo Narayanaya Namo Namaha” or “Om Gam Ganapati Namaha”




Part III: Brief Astrological Analysis for my calculations for the predictions

For Astrological Analysis, please look at the following parameters:

  1. Lunar Eclipse took place on 19 Nov 2021 in Taurus sign at 3-07 deg in Kritika Nakshatra, Pada 2, controlled by Sun. Taurus is the 2nd house of Natural Zodiac, indicating ‘Childhood, Family, Values, Food & Material, Support, Money & Personal Finances’.

  2. Solar Eclipse would take place on 4 Dec 2021 in Scorpio sign at 18-13-06 deg in Nakshatra Jyeshtha, Pada 1, controlled by Mercury. Scorpio is the 8th house of the Natural zodiac, indicating ‘Hidden Area, Underneath,Transformation, Secrets, Psychology and Alliances, Death & Longevity, Partner’s wealth, Inheritance & insurance, esoteric knowledge, scandal & humiliation, Floods, Earthquakes, Storms and Chronic problems’. You can expect some activity related with this area

  3. Considering D1 and D9 charts, Solar Eclipse would take place in

  • D1 Chart: Scorpio Sign, Water sign and in House 7  

  • D9 Chart: Sagittarius sign, Fire sign and in House 6  

  • Hence Water and Fire elements would play a vital role here

  1. Another parameter to consider; the Solar Eclipse takes place on Saturday which is controlled by Saturn who is transiting Shravana Nakshatra ruled by Moon.  Moon signifies water element, and she is in Scorpio sign, in water sign too.  Hence once again, I deduce that Water elements plays an important role here

  1. At the time of Solar Eclipse   Sun, Moon, Mercury and Ketu all would be in Scorpio sign hence are subject to ‘Contamination


  1. Solar Eclipse is also the Lunation chart for the place which supposedly is valid for a fortnight. But because of Solar Eclipse I would say this chart remains valid for at least till 16 Jan 2021. It’s said sometimes the solar eclipse chart remains valid up to two years subject to some other parameters, therefore we can expect some Global Turbulence appropriate to the Eclipse point and its significations for up to two years


  1. From my limited experience I would like to point out one important parameter here. Ketu by nature is a ‘Blind Planet’ and here it is in the Nakshatra of Saturn who itself is in the Nakshatra of Moon which plays an important role in Solar Eclipse; hence all the contaminated energy is passed on to Ketu. As Ketu is Blind, it may spread its energy around without discrimination, say blindly.  Ketu is also the significator of Diseases. Only this configuration has the potential to spread Disease blindly 


  1. Mars the planet of ‘Action and Aggression’ would enter Scorpio Sign on  5 December 2021 and activate this sign, and would keep in active mode till 16 Jan 2022, (subject to some other parameters).   Also, Mars would trigger the Eclipse Point around 31 Dec 2021/1 Jan 2022.


  1. Around 8-10 Dec 2021, Mars would touch the Lunar Eclipse Point to start exploding thing out of proportion. Around 16-17 December, Mars   would shake hands with Ketu and here starts the Turbulence in the world.   From this I deduce, 8-21 Dec 2021 is going to be turbulent period, This configuration may

    • Ignite ‘Virus further and acutely’ and/or another wave of the virus and/or its mutant strains

    • Possible violent attacks such as bombings, shootings  and even cyber-attacks cannot be ruled out as I find Merc in Scorpio at the time of Solar Eclipse

    • Ketu can suddenly oust someone from the high position too


12.  12 Dec 2021 – 28 Feb 2022  and   3-5 March 2022: Let us look at the transit of Venus

  • 8 Dec 2021: Venus enters Capricorn where Mon, Saturn and Pluto are transiting

  • 11 Dec 2021: Venus meets Pluto, the planet of ‘Group activity’

  • 19 Dec 2021: Venus starts its Retrograde motion

  • 25 Dec 20-21: Venus-R meets Pluto again

  • 8 Jan 2021: Venus-R enters Sagittarius

  • 28 Jan 2022: Venus becomes Direct in Sagittarius at 16-56 deg

  • 28 Feb 2022: Venus enters Capricorn


Though Venus would be in a ‘Fallen State’ from 19 Dec 2021, and I expect the followings results:

  • Fight for Power struggle

  • Issues related with wealth, women and children on rise

  • Entertainment industry, artists, musicians and the arts would face more challenges

  • Realisation what we value more is on the way…suddenly masses may realise what is more valuable for them w.r.t   relationship with family rather than running after material things

  • Some clarity with a new Virus Omicron may come, possibly from 19 Dec 2021

  • Be Aware, from 19 Dec 2021, Virus may start spreading further, not necessarily dangerous and may affect Females and children more

  • Significant events and/or challenges related with    Luxury Industry,  Information Technology, Leisure Industry, Automobile Industry and Females are on cards

  • Around 11 and 25 Dec 2021, Intensity and focus may be on Females, Car Industry and Entertainment industry, Cosmetics industry

  • 3-5 March 2021: Mars meets Venus and Pluto, similar effects may repeat


When these area could be activated?

The effect shall be felt more stronger  between 5 Dec 2021 to 16 Jan 2022


“The mind is the Moon, the intelligence is the Sun;

see that they do not suffer from Eclipse.

Then, you are safe.

Do not worry when something happens in the outer sky;

worry, when the shadow of some dark desire,

some foul passion, some monstrous emotion,

some fell intention, casts its evil gloom over your inner sky.

See that the splendour of the Lord,

the cool rays of His Grace are not dimmed in the recesses of your heart. 

Make use of this Golden Opportunity to elevate your Conscious Level

by contemplating/meditating  on God or by chanting mantra during the Eclipse





Ravinder Grover
