The Hindu New Year (21 March 2023 – 9 April 2024) – Part 1

Note : This is my Research Orientated Analysis

As per Hindu lunar calendar,  ‘Chaitra’ month begins from ‘Amavasya’ (new Moon)  when Sun and Moon are in total conjunction in Pisces sign, which generally falls in March/April and is considered as the first month of the year. In fact,  the ‘Chaitra Shukla Pratipada’ (first day after Sunrise from Amavasya/New Moon is considered as the First day of the Hindu  New Year.    The horoscope for the Hindu New Year  for any particular location sets the tone for the entire year. The day of commencement of the Hindu New Year decides the ‘Samvatsara’ and the King for that year. The King being the planet that will play the most significant role in shaping the year. This  would provide an excellent indication of what to expect in the coming year.

Samvatsara’ roughly means the period of one full year. The time in which the planet Jupiter (not Sun) crosses the journey of  one zodiac sign, it  is called ‘Samvatsara’. There  are 12 Zodiac signs, hence there are twelve   ‘Samvatsaras’    Sometimes during its movement around the zodiac, Jupiter comes near the Earth and sometimes it goes  far away from the Earth.

It is said, at the beginning of creation Jupiter and Saturn were at 0 degrees Aries.   Jupiter takes 12 years to go around the Zodiac of 360 degrees and  Saturn takes 30 years. Using simple arithmetic we can easily deduce that  L.C.M. (Lowest Common Multiple) of 12 and 30 is 60.  Therefore, at every 60 years both the planets reach the same point, i.e.,  at 0 degrees  Aries.

During this journey the various angles/aspects  are formed between Jupiter and Saturn, influencing the Samvatsara with auspicious or inauspicious results. As a matter of fact no other relationship of the other Planets affects an individual, a place or a country as much as the mutual angular relationship of Saturn and Jupiter.   This is called 60 years cycle of  Jupiter and Saturn; hence various  60 names been given to each Samvatsara. Name of the Samvatsara starting at Sunrise of 22 March 2023 is Shobhakruti.    Shobhakruti  is a Sanskrit term made up of the two separate words ‘Shobha’ and ‘Akruti’. The Sanskrit words Shobha may be translated to signify a variety of positive qualities and attributes and   ‘Akruti’ can be translated to mean “form” . Vedic sources suggest that “Shubhakriti” is an auspicious composition for those born this year. People born this year are supposed to become wise, kings, men of morality, and educated.

The lord of Shubhkrit Samvatsar is Jupiter and this indicates danger to Evil (thieves, robbers, terrorists, etc) people.  Many ethical people will resist government corruption this year, but it will be hard as Jupiter is going through a difficult pattern.


Here is my  Birds’ Eye View Analysis (March 2023 – April 2024

  1. Everything will be shady, petty, twisted, and greedy

  2. World Economy may take some further blow

  1. I am afraid, some shake up type of incidence is on its way to do with ‘Financial and Stock Market’, Communication, Education, Politics and So expect all these issues within next 12 months.

  1. Indicating increase in cyber-attacks, poor banking systems, proxy wars,   economy collapse,  money-related crimes, economic crises, etc.

  1. World Economy is set to destabilise and/or go through major overhauling system. We had similar sort of configuration of planets in 1920-1921

  1. I expect a major change in Financial world, especially in USA anytime from 2024 – 2030 when USA would have Pluto return in its National Astrology chart.     USA dollar may lose its relevance in the world to some extent.  Please mark my words, looking at this scenario, I  expect ‘destabilisation of US Dollar’ during next few years

  1. Investors – If you are interested in making investments with a long-term outlook, I think putting money into Gold or another asset would be more beneficial, but NOT into the currency of the United States of America.

  1. From 22 April 2023, more Banks will collapse world-wide. Though Financial issues may arise but Banking system in India  would be least affected

  1. Eye wash, underground activities, plots to take place especially to do with Diseases, Economy, Suffering, Women, entertainment industry’.

  1. Finance & Banking Systems would be under further attack  and are set to collapse

  2. Increase of sexual abuses, prostitution, addiction and consumption of alcohol cannot be ruled out

  1. 28 Mar 2023 – 27 April 2023:     

  • Significant shifts in the lives of persons born under all zodiac signs.

  • Many would feel that their mind (brain and head included)  is clouded   make them feel unsettled.

  • Promising ideas may not work out.

  • Inflation would rise world wide

  • In order to lend assistance to the economy, new industrial policies will be formulated at all levels of government

  • Significant upsetting instances in “Law & order, court, higher education, upper class people, banking, philanthropic institutions, temples, religious places of worship.

  1. 16 – 31 May 2023: There is the potential for a scenario similar to the “Wall Street Crash” of 1929. 27 May 2023 seems to be a very significant date.  Expectations would  exaggerated and reality may be  shaken up. Further challenging time indicating risking the Finance Market , Real Estate and Stock Market. Something may come up and that may abruptly impact the economy and produce a period of temporary instability. 

  1. Generally speaking in personal customised Astrological chart, people would have to face some challenges related with Combustion of Jupiter, especially if it rules Houses 6,8 or 12. In their chart.  For example,

  • For Taurus Moon /Rising sign , Jupiter lords 8 and 11 houses, indicating some challenges health issues, relationship with siblings and close friends

  • For Cancer Moon/Rising sign, Jupiter lords 6 and 9 houses, indicating challenges  with  debt, health issues, employment and ethics

  • For Libra Moon/Rising sign, Jupiter lords 3 and 6 houses, indicating challenges with siblings, friends, debt, health issues, employment

  • For Capricorn Moon/Rising sign, Jupiter lords 3 and 12 houses indicating challenges with siblings, friends, debt, health issues, employment, expenditure and hidden issues

  • For Gemini Moon/Rising sign, Jupiter lords 7 and 10 houses indicating Partnership, Relationship, and Career  hence  challenges in these area cannot be overruled

15. From 6 Oct 2023: It’s perplexing to note October has been popular month over last 100 years for stock market major downwards fluctuation and/or crash


15. 31 Oct 2023: End of Covid’  Just some cases still be here and there, I call it ‘hangover’  and that may continue   till end April 2024.  


16. Watch-out for Real Estate, World Economy, US $ and Banking system to stumble within next 12 months

17. Immediate Watch-out dates: 20 April 2023 – 16 May 2023


End of Part 1.  



  People who are NOT interested in Astrology Calculations can skip from here


For Enthusiastic Astrologers to see my Analysis

In my opinion, a competent astrologer must always have a table including the following parameters close at hand before drawing any chart for the new year:

  • Dates of the major planets when they ingress a new Nakshatra

  • Dates of the major planets when they ingress a new Sign

  • Dates of the key aspects of the planets such as conjunctions, square, trine and  opposition

  • Period when planets get into Stationary mode, Retrogradation mode, and Direct mode 

  • Period when planets become combust

  • Dates and positions of the Solar and Lunar eclipse in the year, Eclipse Points and when and how these points may get activated

Here is the Ready reckoner

Key Aspects of Planets  2023-2024

24 April 2023: Sun conjunct Rahu

20 Jul 2023: Saturn opposite Mars

27 Aug 2023: Saturn opposite Sun

4 Oct 2023: Mars conjuncts Ketu

18 Oct 2023: Sun conjuncts Ketu

28 Feb 2024: Saturn conjuncts  Sun

10 April 2024: Saturn conjuncts Mars


Key Transits of Major Planets  2023-2024

22 April 2023: Jupiter ingress Aries

27 June 2023: Ketu ingresses Chita Nakshatra

31 Oct 2023: Rahu ingresses Revati Nakshatra

31 Oct 2023: Rahu ingress Virgo

31 Oct 2023: Ketu ingress Pisces


Retrograde dates for key planets in   2023-2024

Mercury: 21 April 2023 – 15 May 2023

Retrogression Start: 21-Apr-2023  01:50:56 PM Longitude: 21:26:30

Retrogression End: 15-May-2023  08:50:56 AM Longitude: 11:40:9

Crossing the original point of retrogression: 01-Jun-2023  01:20:56 AM Longitude: 21:26:58


Mercury: 24 Aug 2023 – 16 Sep 2023

Retrogression Start: 24-Aug-2023  01:20:56 AM Longitude: 147:40:0

Retrogression End: 16-Sep-2023  01:50:56 AM Longitude: 133:49:1

Crossing the original point of retrogression: 30-Sep-2023  10:50:56 AM Longitude: 147:40:16


Mercury: 13 Dec 2023 – 2 Jan 2024

Retrogression Start: 13-Dec-2023  12:35:56 PM Longitude: 254:17:57

Retrogression End: 02-Jan-2024  08:50:56 AM Longitude: 237:59:25

Crossing the original point of retrogression: 21-Jan-2024  09:35:56 AM Longitude: 254:17:58


Pluto: 1 May 2023 – 11 Oct 2023


Saturn: 17 Jun 2023 – 4 Nov 2023

Retrogression Start: 17-Jun-2023  10:11:41 PM Longitude: 313:1:42

Retrogression End: 04-Nov-2023  12:56:41 PM Longitude: 306:19:33

Crossing the original point of retrogression: 07-Feb-2024  10:41:41 PM Longitude: 313:1:44


Neptune: 30 June2023 – 6 Dec 2023


Venus: 22 Jul 22023 – 3 Sep 2023

Retrogression Start: 23-Jul-2023  06:50:56 AM Longitude: 124:25:9

Retrogression End: 04-Sep-2023  06:50:56 AM Longitude: 108:1:5

Crossing the original point of retrogression: 07-Oct-2023  03:05:56 PM Longitude: 124:25:29


Uranus: 24 Aug 2023 – 22 Jan 2023


Jupiter:  4 Sep 2023 – 31 Dec 2023

Retrogression Start: 04-Sep-2023  07:41:41 PM Longitude: 21:23:46

Retrogression End: 31-Dec-2023  08:11:41 AM Longitude: 11:23:25

Crossing the original point of retrogression: 23-Mar-2024  07:56:41 PM Longitude: 21:23:48


Key Eclipses

  • 20 April 2023: Total Solar Eclipse  

  • 5-6 May 2023:          Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

  • 14 Oct 2023:          Annual Solar Eclipse

  • 28-29 Oct 2023: Partial Lunar Eclipse

  • 24-25 Mar 2024: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

  • 8 April 2024: Total Solar Eclipse



Let us first make the Chaitra Amavasya chart for New Delhi, India using the following parameters:   Date:  21 March 2023, Time: 22:52:00 hours, IST, Place: New Delhi, India

( for some technical reason my chart is not displayed here)


As per Hindu lunar calendar,  ‘Chaitra’ month begins from ‘Amavasya’ (new Moon)  when Sun and Moon are in total conjunction in Pisces sign, which generally falls in March/April and is considered as the first month of the year.

In fact,  the ‘Chaitra Shukla Pratipada’ (first day after Sunrise from Amavasya/New Moon is considered as the First day of the Hindu  New Year.   

The horoscope for the Hindu New Year  for any particular location sets the tone for the entire year. The day of commencement of the Hindu New Year decides the ‘Samvatsara’ and the King for that year. The King being the planet that will play the most significant role in shaping the year. This  would provide an excellent indication of what to expect in the coming year.


Samvatsara’ roughly means the period of one full year. The time in which the planet Jupiter (not Sun) crosses the journey of  one zodiac sign, it  is called ‘Samvatsara’. There  are 12 Zodiac signs, hence there are twelve   ‘Samvatsaras’    Sometimes during its movement around the zodiac, Jupiter comes near the Earth and sometimes it goes  far away from the Earth. 

It is said, at the beginning of creation Jupiter and Saturn were at 0 degrees Aries.   Jupiter takes 12 years to go around the Zodiac of 360 degrees and  Saturn takes 30 years. Using simple arithmetic we can easily deduce that  L.C.M. (Lowest Common Multiple) of 12 and 30 is 60.  Therefore, at every 60 years both the planets reach the same point, i.e.,  at 0 degrees  Aries.

During this journey the various angles/aspects  are formed between Jupiter and Saturn, influencing the Samvatsara with auspicious or inauspicious results. As a matter of fact no other relationship of the other Planets affects an individual, a place or a country as much as the mutual angular relationship of Saturn and Jupiter.   This is called 60 years cycle of  Jupiter and Saturn; hence various  60 names been given to each Samvatsara. Name of the Samvatsara starting at Sunrise of 22 March 2023 is Shobhakruti.    Shobhakruti  is a Sanskrit term made up of the two separate words ‘Shobha’ and ‘Akruti’. The Sanskrit words Shobha may be translated to signify a variety of positive qualities and attributes and   ‘Akruti’ can be translated to mean “form” . Vedic sources suggest that “Shubhakriti” is an auspicious composition for those born this year. People born this year are supposed to become wise, kings, men of morality, and educated.

The lord of Shubhkrit Samvatsar is Jupiter and this indicates danger to Evil (thieves, robbers, terrorists, etc) people.  Many ethical people will resist government corruption this year, but it will be hard as Jupiter is going through a difficult pattern

Referring to the above charts   I have observed the followings:

Please note the followings:

  • Moon and Mercury are conjunct and Combust in Pisces-Uttrabhadra ruled by Jupiter and Saturn respectively

  • Venus and Rahu are Conjunct in Aries-Ashwini ruled by Mars and Ketu respectively

  • Sun, Moon and Mercury are between Rahu, Venus, Uranus and Saturn, called Papakrati Yoga (Scissor Yoga)

  • Venus is heavily afflicted as it is aspected by Saturn and Rahu-Ketu

  • Mercury, the planet of ‘Stock Market’ is combust, has lost its energy. I am afraid, some shake up type of incidence is on its way to do with ‘Financial and Stock Market’. Mercury also signifies “Communication, Education, Politics and  Transportation” . So expect all these issues within next 12 months.

  • Further to my Analysis, We are soon going have Solar Eclipse in Ashwini Nakshatra


Birds’ Eye View Analysis:

  • House 2 is afflicted heavily by Rahu, Saturn, and Pluto, hence ‘Economy could take some blow’

  • Mercury, the planet of ‘Stock Market’ is combust, has lost its energy. I am afraid, some shake up type of incidence is on its way to do with ‘Financial and Stock Market’. Mercury also signifies “Communication, Education, Politics and  Transportation” . So expect all these issues within next 12 months.

  • Rahu-Ketu can give “eye wash, underground activities, plots, etc’ and afflicting Venus the planet for ‘Diseases, Economy, Suffering, Women, entertainment industry’

  • Venus is the natural ruler of World’s Astrology chart, indicates ‘Finance & Banking System’ and is under attack from Rahu, Saturn and Pluto . Its set to collapse. This would increase the sexual abuse, prostitution, addiction and consumption of alcohol

  • To make matters worse, Jupiter, an auspicious planet is stuck in ‘paap kartari yoga ‘and hence mostly ineffective.

  • If I dare to peep further, Jupiter would change its sign on 21 April 2023 by ingression into Aries and it would further get afflicted by Rahu, Saturn and Pluto.

  • 28 Mar 2023 – 27 April 2023: Also Jupiter would  enter the combust phase in the sign of Pisces on 28 March 2023,   will usher in significant shifts in the lives of persons born under all zodiac signs.

  • Combustion of Jupiter will be a little bit different this time since between the combustion time it is also changing the sign; specifically, it is transiting from the sign of Pisces to the sign of Aries.

  • When planets move from Water to Fire sign, it’s called Gandanta. I have written about Gandanta a several times earlier too. Please look at the following parameters:

    • 28 March 2023 -– 27 April 2023: Jupiter is combust

    • 22 April 2023: Jupiter would be at Gandanta (traversing  between Water and Fire signs). Moving to Aries sign

    • Jupiter in Revati Nakshatra ruled be Mercury. Here Mercury is also combust and conjoined Moon who lacks power because of its proximity to the Sun.

    • Mercury and Moon both are between Rahu and Saturn, under ‘Papakrati Yoga.’ There is a significant amount of accessible potential energy, but a conjunction of Mercury and the Moon that causes combustion may cloud one’s mind (brain and head included) and make them feel unsettled.

    • Saturn and Rahu either side of Jupiter seem to squeeze the life out of Jupiter. In addition, Jupiter is Debilitated in D9 chart and shares the space with Ketu.

      • Hence promising ideas may not work out.

      • In personalised charts too, whatever area is controlled by Jupiter would get drained.

      • This would result in   further inflation world wide .

      • In order to lend assistance to the economy, new industrial policies will be formulated at all levels of government.

      • Jupiter also signifies “Law & order, court, higher education, upper class people, banking, philanthropic institutions, temples, religious places of worship.

  • Overall it is going to be a very challenging Configuration for Jupiter

  • Solar Eclipse – 20 April 2023: There would be a Solar Eclipse on 20 April 2023. point would be 5-39 degrees Aries-Ashwini Nakshatra.


  • 16 – 31 May 2023: Jupiter would transit the Eclipse Point on 1 May 2023 and conjoins Rahu on 27 May 2023 creating “Guru Chandaal” yoga in Vedic Astrology.   The shadow of the eclipse makes it hard to see how clear Jupiter is. Similar combination was active in 1929 too, just before the Wall street crash.  


  • Please note, When Jupiter and Rahu are in conjunction, expectations are exaggerated and reality is shaken up.


  • If I go with the data/statistics then this indicates further challenging time for Jupiter risking the Finance, Real Estate and Stock Market. Something may come up and that may abruptly impact the economy and produce a period of temporary instability.


  • In addition to above Jupiter signifies “Law & order, court, higher education, upper class people, economy, banking, philanthropic institutions, temples, religious places of worship.”


  • Generally speaking in personal customised Astrological chart, people would  have to face some challenges related with Combustion of Jupiter, especially if it rules Houses 6,8 or 12. In their chart.  For example,

  • For Taurus Moon /Rising sign , Jupiter lords 8 and 11 houses, indicating some challenges health issues, relationship with siblings and close friends

  • For Cancer Moon/Rising sign, Jupiter lords 6 and 9 houses, indicating challenges  with  debt, health issues, employment and ethics

  • For Libra Moon/Rising sign, Jupiter lords 3 and 6 houses, indicating challenges with siblings, friends, debt, health issues, employment

  • For Capricorn Moon/Rising sign, Jupiter lords 3 and 12 houses indicating challenges with siblings, friends, debt, health issues, employment, expenditure and hidden issues

  • For Gemini Moon/Rising sign, Jupiter lords 7 and 10 houses indicating Partnership, Relationship, and Career  hence  challenges in these area cannot be overruled

  • Going further into the future, please observe the challenging combinations:

    • 6 Oct 2023: Mars conjunct Ketu, Rahu-Ketu in Aries-Libra, Jupiter retrograde and between Uranus and Rahu. I noticed Mars and Ketu were together in Aries-Swati on 24 Oct 1929 where Wall street crash took place.  It’s perplexing to note  October has been popular month over last 100 years for stock market major downwards fluctuation and/or crash

    • 29 Oct 2023: Rahu-Ketu would move to Pisces-Virgo

    • 29 Nov 2023: Venus would join Ketu in Virgo

The above combination indicates that from March 2023 – April 2024

  • Everything will be shady, petty, twisted, and greedy.

  • Indicating increase in cyber-attacks , poor banking systems, proxy wars,   economy collapse,  money-related crimes, economic crises, etc.

  • Please take. A note,  as we progress further World Economy is set to destabilise an/or go through major overhauling system.  We had similar sort of configuration of planets in 1920-1921

  • I expect a major change in Financial world, especially in USA anytime from 2024 – 2030 when USA would have Pluto return in its National Astrology chart.   

  • USA dollar may lose its relevance in the world to some extent.

  • Please mark my words, looking at this scenario, I expect ‘destabilisation of US Dollar’ in during next few years

  • Investors – If you are interested in making investments with a long-term outlook, I think putting money into Gold or another asset would be more beneficial, but NOT into the currency of the United States of America.

  • From 22 April 2023, more Banks will collapse world-wide. Though Financial issues may arise but Banking system in India  would be least affected

  • Watch-out for Real Estate, World Economy, US $ and Banking system to stumble

Immediate Watch-out dates: 20 April 2023 – 16 May 2023

End of Part 1.  



Ravinder Grover 

Disclaimer: ‘Without Prejudice’.  I offer my insight to Astrology solely based on my learnings of astrology principles and techniques,  some  of them learnt from the Sages of the highest order. These predictions are offered for guidance purpose only.   I offer absolute no guarantee on my calculations and analysis. These predictions are not intended to harm anyone by any means.  I expressly disclaim all warranties, implied or contingent, for making use of these predictions, for incurring any loss, loss of profit or in any manner. No notice or advice from anyone  will create any liability whatsoever