Note:  The Vedic Sun Sign describes your Public Self, the Moon Sign (Janma Rashi)describes your Emotional Personality (the way you interact with others, not necessarily how you are inside) and the Rising Sign (Lagna) describes your true Inner Self (how you are inside and how you face the world unconsciously)


Why read Regular Horoscopes?

If you have an idea what dreadful can unfold, you would be more careful or mindful about it. Similarly, regular horoscope may throw light on some possible future happenings and that could be useful for protecting self.  But please do not get blinded with this instead use your intellect at all times.   Regard the tips & guidance provided,  and always remember that your life is in your hands.



  1. Aries (Mesha Rasi) (14 April – 15 May)

From 2 June 2021, although you would feel low in energy, lack of dynamism and courage, but you  may  still come up with  solid responses to any limitations bubbling over into disappointments. Keep all frustrations at bay. For next few weeks, you are prone to lose your focus   and would not know how  to deal in relationships. Next few weeks mean    revelations and changes  followed by a big review.

From  10 June 2021, some health issues with stomach cannot be ruled out. Invest in exercising and eating right. Borrowing new  loans /money should   be the last resort.  Someone close  may help to reduce your debt, if any.   Communication and Knowledge should be  your top priority.

From 14 June 2021, some restrictive changes or unexpected restrictions that you may not like are on cards. An assortment of problems with teeth and gums, indigestion from low fire, and issues with mother may also arise.  Relationship and Career  need to be handled with utmost care.

From 20 June 2021, you would be required to Review, Reflect  and Reassess your expenses including expectations from others and investments. Spiritual introspection would help you in your growth and self-development.

From end June 2021, things will start  ‘getting back to normal’, as far as Communications with siblings & friends and legal paper work (if any) are concerned



  1. Taurus (Vrishabha Rasi) (15 May – 15 June)

From 2 June 2021, in spite of the fact that you would feel low in energy, absence of dynamism and boldness, yet you may in any case concoct strong reactions to any impediments rising over into dissatisfactions. Keep all frustrations at bay. For next few weeks, you are inclined to lose your concentration and would not realize how to deal in relationship. Next fortnight means revelations and changes  followed by a big review. You need to be more focused  at work to solve any issues rather than just complaining all over. This attitude may continue till end of next month .Your career motivation may take centre stage, as you continue to chip away at professional goals.

From 10 June 2021, health may deteriorate if emotions are not kept in check. At the same time  investing any further money on uncertain relationship is not advisable. There could  be  some  unexpected restrictions caused to you by a family member but at the same time a close trusted friend would be always ready to rescue you from all problems. Your Finances shall be getting a much needed tune up. 

From 14 June 2021, some restrictive changes or unexpected restrictions that you may not like are on cards. Avoid overseas travelling. 

From 20 June 2021, you would be required to Review, Reflect  and Reassess your close association with people and any debt you may have. Your career and/or relationship may see some problems, which could be a reason for stress. Spiritual exercises and introspection  would help you to elevate further.

From end June 2021, things will start  ‘getting back to normal’, as far as flow of income, Communications,  Rational Thinking  and Domestic happiness are concerned



  1. Gemini (Mithun Rasi) (15 June – 16 July)

From 2 June 2021, you may feel low in doing your daily routine and may  be stressed due to your work and/or income. Next fortnight means   revelations and changes  followed by a big review. Keep in mind, the universe just might think this is a good time to throw you some valuable lessons as per your karma to help you to evolve further.

From 10 June 2021,  you are advised not to over infuse the money in share market or any such institution for some time. This is the time for personal transformation.

From 14 June 2021, some sudden blow and/or rebellious act in partnership, relationship and with friends should not surprise you.  

From 20 June 2021, you would be required to Review, Reflect  and Reassess your relationship, partnership, business and career.   There could be an issue with your faith or religion you follow. Spiritual introspection would help you in your growth and self-development.

From end June 2021, things will start  ‘getting back to normal’, as far as Communications and  Rational Thinking are concerned.



  1. Cancer (Karakata Rasi) (16 July – 17 August)

From 2 June 2021, some restrictive changes or unexpected restrictions that you may not like are on cards. Sudden disagreements in relationship cannot be ruled out. And that may be reflected on career too.  You may take calculative risks over spontaneous decisions. You need to be more focused  at work to solve any issues rather than just complaining all over. This attitude may continue till end of next month.    Don’t be afraid to drop people or situations that are no longer serving you, it will only help you more re-established eventually.

From 10 June 2021,  you are advised not to over infuse the money in share market or any such institution for some time.   Take care of your Mind and Mental health

From 14 June 2021, some sudden blow like change at work should not surprise you.  

From 20 June 2021, you would be required to Review, Reflect  and Reassess your daily routine, legal documents (if any)  and  your faith in your religion and/or Guru. Spiritual introspection would help you in your growth and self-development.

From end June 2021, things will start  getting be ‘getting back to normal’, as far as your  communications with siblings, signing of any agreements, unnecessary expenditure are concerned.



  1. Leo (Simha Rasi) (17 August – 17 September)

From 2 June 2021, some unexpected problems in relationship may arise. You may become impulsive to take an legal action against the spouse, ultimately ending up draining yourself financially. Keep all frustrations at bay. The significant thing is to figure out how to move past any contention that emerges with regards to issue of the heart. For next few weeks, you are prone to lose your focus   and would not know how  to deal in relationships, even with family at home.  Next few weeks  means  revelations and changes followed by a big review. 

From 10 June 2021, some health issues with back and bones related cannot be ruled out.   Your social life and friendships are being  restructured.

From 14 June 2021, some restrictive changes or unexpected restrictions that you may not like are on cards. Watch out on your expenditure, avoid overseas travel and look after you family. This is the test of your patience. Avoid dealing with legal related tasks. 

From 20 June 2021, you would be required to Review, Reflect  and Reassess your career. Follow the office guidelines strictly as failing to do so could lead to repercussions.    Regular impartial  would help you in your growth and self-development

From end June 2021, things will start ‘getting back to normal’, as far as your  communications with children and flow of income are concerned


  1. Virgo (Kanya Rasi) (17 September- 17 October)

From 2 June 2021, due to  lack of dynamism there may be a dip in the relationship that  you share  with their friends and closed ones.   This may be due to difference in opinions.  For next few weeks, you are advised to focus on your earning and income.  

From  10 June 2021, you would be required  reduce your expenses for better financial stability at the end of the year.  Without doubt,  next few weeks mean  revelations and changes  followed by a big review.  If you are looking to get married, better delay for a while, as planets may malfunction now. Your career may get fresh start

From 14 June 2021, some restrictive changes or unexpected restrictions that you may not like are on cards. You may have to share your resources with others.  Secret relationships, if any,  may come on surface.   

From 20 June 2021, you would be required to Review, Reflect  and Reassess your Domestic front including marriage and/or relationship. Spiritual introspection would help you in your growth and self-development.

From end June 2021, things will start  getting be ‘getting back to normal’, as far as your  communications and rational thinking  are concerned.



  1. Libra (Tula Rasi) (17 October -16 November)

From 2 June 2021, you may feel some restrictions and misunderstanding in relationship solely due to  communication gap.  Restore self-belief that there is a way to solve all problems.     Keep all frustrations at bay. For next few weeks, you are prone to have difficulty in generating income or keeping family members in harmony.

From 10 June 2021, females who are in family way, would be required to take extreme precautions to avoid  chances of miscarriage. Focus on your spiritual goals.

From 14 June 2021, lack of motivation at work cannot be ruled out.  You may get mixed results when it comes to professional life. Changing of job is not recommended at this stage.

From 20 June 2021, the nature would provide you the opportunity to recognize and admit your own self-created  problem. Solution lies within you, all you would have to do tis peep inside self by self-enquiry

From end June 2021, things will start  getting be ‘getting back to normal’, as far as your  communications & relationship with close associates, and rational thinking  are concerned.



  1. Scoprio (Vrischik Rasi) (16 November – 16 December

From 2 June 2021, although you would feel low in energy, lack of dynamism and courage, but you  may  still come up with  solid responses to any limitations bubbling over into disappointments. Keep all frustrations at bay. For next few weeks, you are required to look after your health and daily routine.

From 10 June 2021,  you may find you have become emotionally weak; meditation would help. An assortment of problems with teeth and gums, indigestion from low fire, and issues with mother may also arise.   Share your feelings with your spouse.

From 14 June 2021, if getting into a new relationship, please ensure the person is right for you.  If you are getting separated from existing relationship, then  this is the time to review your relationship. Do  not to rush but  Give yourself more time. If in business, some hidden issues may arise.

From 20 June 2021, It’s the time to review your finances and how to mould children’s future. Take advise for better financial management.

From end June 2021, things will start  getting be ‘getting back to normal’, as far as your  communications & relationship with close associates, and rational thinking  are concerned.



  1. Sagittarius (Dhanu Rasi) (16 December – 14 January)

From 2 June 2021, revelations and changes are on the cards, followed by a big review. You may be tempted to invest in property and/or do some renovation. Nature advises you to reduce your expenditure or spend with extra care.

From 10 June 2021, on  one hand you may be empowered to win over enemies and on  the other hand there may be an increase in workload. This is the to transform your romantic relation ship.

From 14 June 2021, every possibility that your romantic affairs may be disrupted with a blow. Hence be careful what you do and say.

From 20 June 2021, your focus would move to rapport building with seniors at work. You may get  some cold shoulder from their colleagues and seniors.  This is the time to test your self-confidence.

From end June 2021, things will start  getting be ‘getting back to normal’, as far as your  communications & relationship with close associates, and rational thinking  are concerned. 



  1. Capricorn (Makara Rasi) (14 January – 13 February)

From 2 June 2021, the more you can restrain yourselves, without overreacting or overcompensating for a sense of lack, the more you  can manage your energy for next few weeks.  You are in fact, given the opportunity for reality check. It seems that some karmic debts are sorted out by blending the past with the present and future.  Rewards would come too if sincere efforts are made to transform the Self.

From 10 June 2021, it is neither the best time to change your job nor start a new business venture.  Start focusing on your health as well.

From 14 June 2021, you are  likely to feel at a loss; a loss of energy, and a loss of direction and motivation. An assortment of problems with teeth and gums, indigestion from low fire, and issues with mother may also arise. Your siblings or close friends may have problems in their respective marriages.

From 20 June 2021,  you may be in dilemma whether to change Job or not.

From end June 2021, things will start  getting be ‘getting back to normal’, as far as your  communications & relationship with close associates, and rational thinking  are concerned



  1. Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi) (13 February – 14 March)

From 2 June 2021, the more you  can restrain yourselves, without overreacting or overcompensating for a sense of lack, the more you  can manage your energy for next few weeks.  

From 10 June 2021, sudden health issues may arise for the  motherly natured person in your life, or even this may be some domestic problem pops up. Focus on some creative work to boost up your mind.

From 14 June 2012,  from career point of view, you may be required to make sudden changes in your working style. You may lack regular support from colleagues too.   Keep your cool at work and do not get involved in any office politics.

From 20 June 2021,  your focus would move to career and searching for a new job may begin. In fact you may be looking for more income than job satisfaction.

From end June 2021, things will start  getting be ‘getting back to normal’, as far as your  communications & relationship with children and spouse are concerned.



  1. Pisces (Meena Rasi) (14 March – 14 April)

From 2 June 2021, the more you can control yourselves, without blowing up or overcompensating for a feeling of come up short on, the more you can deal with your energy for next couple of weeks. You may be tempted to run away from your responsibilities during this period, but it won’t benefit you in the long run. Face the challenges, if any.

From 10 June 2021,  take care of your health as some issues with nervous system may popup  causing some issues with feet.  Focus on your domestic needs.

From 14 June 2021, sudden change  in your financial situation cannot be ruled out.  There could  be  some  unexpected restrictions caused to you either by family member or someone very close to you. Be prepared to change direction at any moment. 

From 20 June 2021, here is the time for inner growth. It seems to be an opportunity to   reconnect and realign with your inner compass, indivisible inner truth, and greater, expansive consciousness, that is, the source within.  This is also the call to analyse all your investments, if any

From end June 2021, things will start  getting be ‘getting back to normal’, as far as your  domestic life and relationship are concerned


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Ravinder Grover

Disclaimer: ‘Without Prejudice’.  I offer my insight to Astrology solely based on my learnings of astrology principles and techniques,  some  of them learnt from the Sages of the highest order. These predictions are offered for guidance purpose only.   I offer absolute no guarantee on my calculations and analysis. These predictions are not intended to harm anyone by any means.  I expressly disclaim all warranties, implied or contingent, for making use of these predictions, for incurring any loss, loss of profit or in any manner. No notice or advice from anyone  will create any liability whatsoever