Note:  The Vedic Sun Sign describes your Public Self, the Moon Sign (Janma Rashi)describes your Emotional Personality (the way you interact with others, not necessarily how you are inside) and the Rising Sign (Lagna) describes your true Inner Self (how you are inside and how you face the world unconsciously)


Why read Regular Horoscopes?

If you have an idea of what dreadful can unfold, you would be more careful or mindful about it. Similarly, a regular horoscope may throw light on some possible future happenings and that could be useful for protecting self.  But please do not get blinded by this instead use your intellect at all times.   Regard the tips & guidance provided,  and always remember that your life is in your hands.


The Vedic Sun Signs (June 2022)


 “Review your Karmic actions and take Responsibility for the consequences” 



4 June 2022 to 23 Oct 2022:   Saturn Retrograde 

High Volatile Period for you as well for the World.  What does this mean to you and what should you be doing to counter the challenges.  




1. Aries (Mesha Rasi) (14 April – 15 May)

From 4 June 2022, the area of structure, career and unfulfilled desires goes into Review mode. Many lessons which you have overlooked or refused to abide by may pop up again, hence causing stress and burden unto you.   Here is the time to learn the ‘Art of living with constructive learning’. All of the past, present and future blend together. If you have done bad things in the past, something challenging may happen at a set time to teach you a lesson. If you have done good things in the past, a good thing may happen to you at a predetermined time to reward you.  This is the testing time to review how responsible you have been in the past.  There may be some surprising turn of events around mid-June 2022, some of which may be most welcome.    

This also may be the ideal time to review your income and goals in life as well.

26 June 2022 –  9 Aug 2022:  Watch out for and high volatile period.  Some challenging events with respect to ego, attitude and physical self cannot be ruled out.



2. Taurus (Vrishabha Rasi) (15 May – 15 June)

From 4 June 2022, the area of structure, career, faith and higher education goes into Review mode. Many lessons you missed or didn’t want to learn may come back to haunt you and may cause unwanted stress and trouble.  Spend some time examining your own convictions. This may be an unpleasant procedure.  Determine what you really believe and what you hold on to because of training, habit, or tradition. Some of your beliefs or biases are impeding your progress, and it’s time to address that.  From mid-June 2022, there may be a change in your relationship that you didn’t expect. Take care of your mental health, or it could affect your physical health.

Maybe this is the ideal time to review things by asking some questions yourself such as,    “Is there a purpose to what you do? Is there anything you might be doing that has more of an impact?  Are others acknowledging the value you bring to the table?”

26 June 2022 –  9 Aug 2022:  Watch out for and high volatile period. Work on overcoming your weaknesses now.  Take care of your investments.   Hospital visits cannot be overruled.



3. Gemini (Mithun Rasi) (15 June – 16 July)

From 4 June 2022, the area of karma and belief system goes into Review mode. Many lessons which you have overlooked or refused to abide by may pop up again, hence causing stress and burden unto you.   Here is the time to learn the art of living and correcting your mistakes of the past.  In fact, all of the past, present and future blend together. If you have done bad things in the past, something challenging may happen at a set time to teach you a lesson. If you have done good things in the past, a good thing may happen to you at a predetermined time to reward you.  This is the testing time to review how responsible you have been in the past. This is time to spend some time reflecting on how you respond emotionally to external factors that are beyond your control and how this may be influencing your mental health. This is an excellent time to attempt past life regression treatment or to seek psychotherapy for anything that has adversely impacted you over the last year. A new direction in life may come.

Maybe this is the ideal time to review your core values.  Strengthening yourself by asking if you are ready to meet any unexpected challenges. Maybe time to work on other options you may have.

26 June 2022 –  9 Aug 2022:  Watch out for and high volatile period.  Some challenging events with respect to income, close associates and/or elder siblings cannot be ruled out.



4. Cancer (Karakata Rasi) (16 July – 17 August)

From 4 June 2022, the area of partnership, may it be a relationship, marriage, business or any other,   goes into Review mode. You may be required to put all of your attention and energy into this.  This is time for the reality check. If you have been excusing your spouse’s bothersome actions up until now, now is the moment to bring them into the light and discuss them with them.  This may be termed a ‘second chance’. Be clear in mind, that every action done during this month would result in karmic consequences. Try to control your impulses and stay away from taking any unneeded chances.  If you are overly pushy in a relationship, it might lead to stress, so practise patience and empathy instead.

Good time to review your finances?  Maybe you need to put an end to something in order to move on, either together with your spouse or on your own.

26 June 2022 –  9 Aug 2022:  Watch out for and high volatile period.  Some challenging events with respect to authority, career and status cannot be ruled out.



5. Leo (Simha Rasi) (17 August – 17 September)

From 4 June 2022, the area that describe your partnership  (of any sort ) and your abilities may go under Review.  The secret is to keep a low profile. You should be willing to spend extra time refining your knowledge and working on the fundamentals.   This is not a race at all. Instead of letting anger consume you during this break, focus on improving your skills so that you can do what you do even better. Effective communications may lead to better understanding.  If having issues with your spouse, then the time is now to discuss and find the solution

26 June 2022 –  9 Aug 2022:  Watch out for and high volatile period.  Some challenging events with respect to travel, belief system, law and ethics,  higher education and your belief system cannot be ruled out.


6. Virgo (Kanya Rasi) (17 September- 17 October)

From 4 June 2022, the areas that describe your abilities, health and children may go under Review.    This is the about time to put boundaries and limits on things and let people know that you are not ready to be used as per their wish.   Take care to avoid raising tensions inside the relationship. Make sure there are no misconceptions in your spouse’s head and there is no place for doubt in your relationship.  Any conflict with children must be resolved now. Think  ‘out of the box’  and then approach your children to resolve the issue.

26 June 2022 –  9 Aug 2022:  Watch out for and high volatile period.  Some challenging events with respect to sudden transformation, sexual relationships, commitments,  joint funds and debts cannot be ruled out.


7. Libra (Tula Rasi) (17 October -16 November)

From 4 June 2022,   areas that describe your family responsibilities and domestic happiness may experience unwanted challenges.  This is the reality check on how you handle your responsibilities in adverse conditions. Just keep the word ‘Karma’ in mind before you take any action.  Around the end of June, you want to be in charge of other people and situations. There could be power struggles and fights because of this. You might also have to deal with people who try to control you. So stay away from all this and try not to be too confident or make other people feel like they are in danger.  Good time to take up some lessons on how to express yourself better.

26 June 2022 –  9 Aug 2022:  Watch out for and high volatile period.  Some challenging events with respect to Partnerships. Marriage, business matters, agreements, contracts and all things official cannot be ruled out.



8. Scoprio (Vrischik Rasi) (16 November – 16 December)

From 4 June 2022, areas that describe your skills, communications, siblings and family environment may go under stress and challenges.  You may be a good communicator but there are chances that you may be misinterpreted and/or misunderstood. The lesson here is that absolute clarity of communication is the key, therefore practise being honest yet forceful in your words.  Your family obligations may be decreasing, but instead of viewing this as a freeing thing, you may feel terrified.  

Review every thought before putting it into action as consequences could be very dear to bear at some later stage.  Your mother may play an important part to help you with effective communication.

26 June 2022 –  9 Aug 2022:  Watch out for and high volatile period.  Some challenging events with respect to health & vitality, Routine tasks & duties. Skills, work and employment cannot be ruled out.



9. Sagittarius (Dhanu Rasi) (16 December – 14 January)

From 4 June 2022, the areas that describe your finances, resources, communications, skills and siblings seem to be under the Karmic lens.  This is the reality check of your income, resources and family ties.  Review thoroughly your money issues. Is there a recurring trend in your life that is contributing to overspending or poor money management?   From mid-June 2022,  some issues with romance and children cannot be ruled out.  Some least expected events are indicated.  Good time to review your habits and start working on transforming them into value for others.

26 June 2022 –  9 Aug 2022:  Watch out for and high volatile period.  Some challenging events with respect to Recreational & leisure activities, romance and children cannot be ruled out.



10. Capricorn (Makara Rasi) (14 January – 13 February)

From 4 June 2022, the area that describes your attitude and finance is under Review.  Rather than focusing on your present self, try to concentrate on the person you are becoming over the last few years.    At the same time,   review your money problems from a Karmic perspective. What behaviours from your history are you repeating that contribute to bad financial planning?   What is making you feel insecure?  What are you lacking?   Contemplate all these questions. Yes, you must consider the karmic implications of the decisions you made in the past, this may help you to think constructively about the future.  This is the ideal time to review your habits and start working on transforming them into value for others.  Your health seems to improve during the next 4 months. 

26 June 2022 –  9 Aug 2022:  Watch out for and high volatile period.  Some challenging events with respect to home, family and property cannot be ruled out.



11. Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi) (13 February – 14 March)

From 4 June 2022, the area that describes your attitude, health, subconscious mind, dreams, expenditure and investment are under Review.  Firstly, instead of dwelling on who you are now, try focusing on whom you want to be.  Secondly, review all your investments and take advice from your financial advisor.  You must look into deeply held emotions, particularly those related to your past.  Try to find answers to why did you have to go through all this. Impartial introspection would reveal a lot of truth. The ideal time to drop the excess baggage that is hurting you in your mind and move on for a better future.  Your health seems to improve during the next 4 months.

26 June 2022 –  9 Aug 2022:  Watch out for and high volatile period.  Some challenging events with respect to travel & transport,  siblings, communication and contracts cannot be ruled out.




12. Pisces (Meena Rasi) (14 March – 14 April)

From 4 June 2022, the area that describes your friendship, investments and expenditure are put into Review mode. The loyalty of elder siblings, your close associates and someone from your social group may be put to the test.  Your relationship may be sailing in stormy weather too.  You may have to give up something to get something.  Nobody else can dictate that to you.  You know this in your inner heart.

 26 June 2022 –  9 Aug 2022:  Watch out for and high volatile period.  Some challenging events with respect to your values system, resources, finance and possessions cannot be ruled out.



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Ravinder Grover

Disclaimer: ‘Without Prejudice’.  I offer my insight to Astrology solely based on my learnings of astrology principles and techniques,  some of them learnt from the Sages of the highest order. These predictions are offered for guidance purposes only.   I offer absolutely no guarantee on my calculations and analysis. These predictions are not intended to harm anyone by any means.  I expressly disclaim all warranties, implied or contingent, for making use of these predictions, for incurring any loss, loss of profit or in any manner. No notice or advice from anyone  will create any liability whatsoever