Further to my article published last week, I  would like to forewarn that the worst may not be over yet. Please note, the forthcoming planetary configuration indicates some natural Disasters  are possibly on its way. The strength of Natural Disaster  may vary from place to place.  The role of Earth and Water Elements seem to be more aggressively active


Event: Natural Disasters (Storms, Snowfalls, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tremors, Tsunami, Avalanches, Cloud Bursts,  Floods, Volcanic Eruptions, Wild Fires)

Direction of Event: North West Direction of the country/world

When: Anytime between  11 February 2021 to 7 March 2021


Though the entire period of almost one month  is prone to bring Disaster like scenarios but  the following dates seem to be more prone to cause damage:

  • 12-13 February 2021
  • 16-17 February 2021
  • 21-22 February 2021
  • 26-27 February 2021
  • 6-7 March 2021



In addition to above

  • USA shall come up with more changes in Policies
  • Pakistan Government may go rattled due to unrest in the society
  • China would be affected due to Economic stress
  • New Zealand may face some sort of event may take place things to do with hospitals, confinement, lockdown, prisons, foreign affairs/policies,  revealing of some secrecy, financial stress or unavoidable expenses
  • Stock Market may dwindle
  • Bloodsheds, Violence, Terror Attacks, Political uncertainties, War like scenarios and more protests would be held world-wide





Ravinder Grover