Date: 14 July 2021,  Time: 1:30 hours, Place: Auckland, New Zealand

Planetary Configuration: Mars conjunct Venus in the Zodiac sign Cancer (ruled by Moon) at  25-40 degrees in the Nakshatra of Ashlesha (ruled by Mercury) opposite Saturn-R


14-21 July 2021 : High Volatile Period

  1. The entire world would feel this Planetary War.  Places of coastal areas, water fields, places with water features,  beautiful places, holy places, dairy farms, bars, restaurants would experience high volatile time
  2. Failure of  Radio, TV, Satellites and Power Sources (Power stations, Power Grids, Battery, Dams, Power Grids, damage to electric transmission lines, substations or other parts of the distribution system, a short circuit, cascading failure, fuse or circuit ) is HIGH on cards
  3. Land and Land produce may suffer
  4. Educational Institutions may suffer due to Love/Sexual activities
  5. Relationship Issues’ would be on Rise due to Lack of Control of Sexual Energy. One must control the passion arising within and give direction to this energy towards Higher/Spiritual goals of life
  6. Domestic Violence/Theft /Tension is on cards
  7. Sexual Assaults/addiction, Sexual Crimes, Rapes and Violent Assaults may be on Rise
  8. Accidents at the place of entertainment may be on Rise
  9. Vehicle accidents
  10. ‘Insecurity in Relationships and Marriages’  will further rise between       16-18 July 2021. One should try to sustain Relationships and Marriages with calm head with Love not Sexual Passion.
  11. Extra Fatigue, Feeling Drained, Weakness, Loss of Energy, Loss of Courage and Exhaustion would be felt more between 18-21 July 2021
  12. Please Note this parameter: At present Mars is in Debilitation, hence represents ‘Capturing’ and Venus is ‘Love’, so anybody who has Mars and Venus together in any sign in the chart would try to capture Love at the cost of anything. This could be the height of possessiveness and that may lead to violence in  Love stories
  13. Aries , Taurus, Cancer and Libra: People who have Aries, Taurus, Cancer or Libra as rising signs or have Moon in these signs need to be careful of  ‘Vehicle Theft, Vehicle Accident, Sexual Assault, Vehicle Damage’.  Mars action would be rebellious  and can hurt Venus i.e. relationship


This is just to give you the glimpse of what this configuration of planets means.  

  • The 4th house of the Natural Zodiac falls in Cancer sign, which is ruled by the Water element and is an Emotional natured sign.
  • Generally speaking, 4th house signifies  ‘Mother, Nurturing, Home, Family, Domestic Facility, Vehicles’


Planet Mars

  • Planet Mars entered Cancer sign on 2 June 2021 and will remain there till 20 July 2021.Mars loses its strength in this very sign, hence say is in poor position.  Mars lacks all of his strength and power and is called as occupying the “Neecha” (Debilitated) position in Vedic Astrology.  In my way of interpretation,  “Mars is totally ‘Drained’, here, hence cannot function to its full potential”.
  • What does Mars Signify?  Mars stands for ‘Accidents,  Courage, Fighting, Army, Defence, Actions, Energy, Battery, Power Sources, War, Aggression, Sex,  Assertion, Boyfriend, etc’


Planet Venus

  • Planet Venus entered Cancer sign on 22 June 2021 and will remain there till 17 July 2021
  • What does Venus signify?  Venus stands for ‘Vehicles, Romance, Compromise, Agreement, Love, Sex, Pleasure of the Senses, Desires, Beauty, Girl Friend, etc’



Forthcoming Planetary Configuration: (Venus Conjunct  Mars) opposite Saturn-R

  • Planet Venus  will conjunct Mars in Cancer sign (the 4thhouse of the Natural Zodiac) and opposite Retrograde Saturn on 14 July 2021 at 1:30 hours in Auckland, New Zealand.
  • So what is so special about they comfiguration? This conjunction of these two gender planets is prone to create Backdrop for ‘Heat, Passion, High  Voltage Drama, Relationship fighting,  intense desire for high passionate sexual union’. This configuration of planets may cause Tension at ‘Domestic front’
  • Saturn opposite Mars and Venus can also frustrate Power sources ( Failure of Power Sources  – Power stations, Power Grids, Battery, Dams, Power Grids, damage to electric transmission lines, substations or other parts of the distribution system, a short circuit, cascading failure, fuse or circuit )

Who would be most affected?  

  • People who have Mars and Venus together in the same sign. They need to be Alert.
  • Please Note this parameter: At present Mars is in Debilitation, hence represents’ Capturing’ and Venus is ‘Love’, so anybody who has Mars and Venus together in any sign in the chart would try to capture Love at the cost of anything.  This could be the height of possessiveness and that may lead to violence in  Love stories.  The native would try to capture Love at the cost of anything
  • People who have Mars and Venus in the Cancer sign needs to be extra careful as the  effects would be much  severe
  • If the above combination, regardless of Cancer sign or not, if they are placed in the 7th House (area of Marriage, Relationship, Partnership, etc) then the native’s mindset is more focused on Sexual pleasures than Genuine  Love.   The person  would like to be always indulged in Sexual activities.  The forthcoming combination would  definitely arouse the Sexual Energy and the native may lose  control over self-due to selfish motives
  • Mars and Venus combination is also prone to Vehicle related accidents, simply because Venus controls Vehicles and Mars controls Accidents.
  • Please note all of the above are subject to other parameters too in ths chart too


Note:  People who have Mars and Venus in one sign, particularly in Cancer sign, need to be extra alert and aware of the forthcoming situation.  They should try  to prevent damage caused to ‘Relationship, Marriage and Vehicle accidents.




There are 12 Zodiac signs consisting  of 30° each.  Each sign is allocated Fire, Earth, Air or Water element. These 12 Zodiac signs are further divided into 27 Nakshatras (Asterisms) of  13°20’ each.  Some Nakshatras overlap the Signs.  12 zodiac signs  are ruled by 9 planets. These  Nakshatras are  also ruled  by 9 planets but in different order in a sequence starting with Ketu and ending with Mercury.  Hence, there are 3 sets of such 9 Nakshatra as per their planetary owners.  Further each Nakshatra is divided into 4 equal Padas (parts, foot, step or quarter)  of  3°20’ each.   Hence there are 27 x 4 = 108 Padas in total.

Gandanta is a Sanskrit word, ‘Gand’ means a ‘Knot’  and  ‘Anta’ means the ‘End’.   A well-tied knot that it is very difficult to unravel. The more you try to untie the knot, the tighter it becomes. Gandanta represents a knot within ourselves, a deep issue, which we are trying to reconcile with.

Gandanta is this double-border area either side of the Zodiacal Lunar (Water Signs) and  Zodiacal Solar (Fire signs)  signs and Nakshatras (Asterisms).   There are Three such junction points in the Zodiac which has the following parameters:

  • Beginning of the new Zodiac Sign
  • Beginning of the new Nakshatra
  • Ending of Water Sign
  • Beginning of Fire Sign

Gandanta always takes place at the junction of  Water and Fire Signs and Navamsa.  This  is a junction where the pair of Zodiac Sign and Nakshatra end    and at the same time another pair of Zodiac Sign  and another Nakshatra start.  In other words, here is an  abrupt stop and re-start at these junctures because there is No Nakshatra continuing from the previous sign to new sign that could to carry the energy from one sign to the next.


Gandanta junctions are:

  • Pisces (water sign & Revati Nakshatra ) and Aries (fire sign & Ashwini Nakshatra) –  This is the point where the ending of one cycle of soul growth and beginning of its next stage
  • Cancer (water sign & Ashlesha Nakshatra ) and Leo (fire sign & Magha Nakshatra) – The is the point which  indicates the soul endings it’s search and now finally moves towards it’s full involvement into material life
  • Scorpio (water sign & Jyeshta Nakshatra) and Sagittarius (fire sign &  Mula Nakshatra) – This is the most difficult point as it moves the inner soul towards its final direction towards merging with the universal consciousness.


It is very easy to remember,  Water and Fire are two opposing elements.  Fire can heat the water  and on the other hand Water can extinguish the Fire. Hence this junction points  carries some complexity.  Keywords to remember, Water stands for Emotions and Fire stands for knowledge.  These junctions points are also known for good spiritual advancements


Gandanta is connected with times of ‘Soul Growth’ because ‘Karmic Energies are Knotted /Trapped’ here.  When planets are placed in these positions, then they face uncertainty as they try to unravel the secret knot that will take them on to the next level.  Any planet passing through these points are prone to ‘Karmic Effects’ and can  bring a period of instability and /or delays  in plans.   In fact, nature is forcing the native to untie the Karmic knot and move forward. Say, this brings  the trying time to  prepare one’s mind for the next step in the journey of the soul.


Planets at the end of the water sign in Gandanta will have a  Hidden and Strong Karmic Knot around his neck and will find difficult to release the   emotional       attachment,  find hard to change or let it  go,  of course  subject to other parameters. 


Planets at the beginning of fire sign in Gandanta will have a knot around inspiration and moving toward a new way of thinking.  People who have  Planets in Gandanta at the beginning of fire can be stuck with initiating change and even resist getting started. Yet the Gandanta planet in water can sense the new beginning in fire even as it hangs on to the past.  This  transformation can be extremely painful but it is necessary for the soul to grow into another dimension.



Length of Gandanta Point:

To my experience of over many decades,  some effects of Gandanta starts as soon as the Planets  enters the  Ending Nakshatra of Water sign and the effects start diminishes as the planet leaves the starting Nakshatra of the subsequent Fire sign. 

In my opinion,  the  maximum affect Gandanta would be experienced for  48 minutes (2 Ghatis) of celestial longitude on either side of the Water and Fire juncture point.  Why is that?


Measurement of Time:

In today’ s world we measure the time as follows:

1 day           =  24 hours

1 hour         = 60 minutes

1 Minute      = 60 seconds

1 day           = 24 x 60 x 60 = 86,400 seconds


Our Ancient seers measured the time in different division as follows:

1 Day (24 Hours)   = 60 Ghatis

1 Hour                 = 2.5 Ghatis
1 Ghati                 = 60 Pala, Kala or Vighati
1 Pala                   = 60 Vipala
1 Vipala               = 60 Valipta
1 Valipta              = 60 Para
1 Para                  = 60 Tatpara

1 Muhurta             = 2 Ghati = 24 minutes

1 Day = 24 hours   = 30 Muhurtas


Hence, from this perspective of Gandanta,  take one Muhurta at the end of the water signs from 29°12’00 – 30°00’00” (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) and one Muhurta at the beginning of fire signs from 00°00’00” – 00°48’00” (Leo, Sagittarius and Aries), these 2 Muhurtas  are the ‘Maxim Range of Gandanta’.  These ‘Maxim  Range of Gandanta’ are  pregnant with ‘Knotted Karmic Energy’ which  is very hard to Untie the Knot.


As soon the planet transit these Gandanta Nakshatras and Maxim Range of Gandanta, they  get flavoured with Karmic Influences due to Karmic Knots and  gets in a difficult position. The native may  have to face extreme challenges  as per the  signification of the planets in the chart


Maxim Range of Gandanta:  Pisces (29°12’) to Aries (00°48’)

Maxim Range of Gandanta:  Cancer (29°12’) to Leo (00°48’)

Maxim Range of Gandanta:  Scorpio (29°12’) to Sagittarius (00°48’)



Please note the following parameters

  • 2 June 2021: Mars entered Cancer sign
  • 22 June 2021: Venus entered Cancer sign
  • 29 June 2021: Mars entered Ashlesha Nakshatra
  • 6 July 2021: Venus entered Ashlesha Nakshatra
  • 17 July 2021: Venus enters Leo sign Magha Nakshatra
  • 20 July 2021: Mars enters Leo sign, Magha Nakshatra
  • 28 July 2021: Venus leaves Magha Nakshatra
  • 10 Aug 2021: Mars leaves Magha Nakshatra


From the above we observe

  • 29 June 2021 – 10 Aug 2021:    Mars in Ashlesha & Magha Nakshatras    
  • 6 July 2021 – 28 July 2021:    Venus and Mars both in Ashlesha & Magha Nakshatras    
  • 14 July 2021:                                Mars conjoins Venus in Gandanta
  • 16-18 July 2021                            Venus at  Maxim Range of Gandanta
  • 18-21 July 2021:                           Mars  at  Maxim Range of Gandanta


Point to be noted:

  • Whenever Venus is in Gandanta, then relationships and marriage will be the area of insecurity.

  • Mars in  Gandanta will create extra fatigue and exhaustion

  • Saturn opposite Mars will Frustrate Mars further

  • The entire world may suffer due to Failure of Power Sources 



  1. Who would be most affected?  

Aries , Taurus, Cancer and Libra: People who have Aries, Taurus, Cancer  or Libra as rising signs or have Moon in these signs need to be careful of  ‘Vehicle Theft, Vehicle Accident, Sexual Assault, Vehicle Damage’





Ravinder Grover 


Disclaimer: ‘Without Prejudice’.  I offer my insight to Astrology solely based on my learnings of astrology principles and techniques,  some  of them learnt from the Sages of the highest order. These predictions are offered for guidance purpose only.   I offer absolute no guarantee on my calculations and analysis. These predictions are not intended to harm anyone by any means.  I expressly disclaim all warranties, implied or contingent, for making use of these predictions, for incurring any loss, loss of profit or in any manner. No notice or advice from anyone  will create any liability whatsoever