Note:  The Vedic Sun Sign describes your Public Self, the Moon Sign (Janma Rashi)describes your Emotional Personality (the way you interact with others, not necessarily how you are inside) and the Rising Sign (Lagna) describes your true Inner Self (how you are inside and how you face the world unconsciously)


Why read Regular Horoscopes?

If you have an idea what dreadful can unfold, you would be more careful or mindful about it. Similarly, regular horoscope may throw light on some possible future happenings and that could be useful for protecting self.  But please do not get blinded with this instead use your intellect at all times.   Regard the tips & guidance provided,  and always remember that your life is in your hands.


  1. Aries (Mesha Rasi) (14 April – 15 May)

8-15 July 2021, your passionate desires would increase manifold but manifestation of desires seems to be talking a turtle walk.  18-22 July 2021,   relationship with a spouse and/or business partner may get under deep stress  and the romantic issues (if any)  may unravel.  Challenges with relationship, compromise and any agreements would be indeed here. You may realise that the nature is demanding  you  to go through some painful transformation in relationship for your soul to grow into another dimension.  Some adjustments, possibly in the area of your resources, values and finance may be required including how you relate to others.  Do not spill out your passion all over the place. Yes, 17-18 July 2021 you may experience an  emotional storm



  1. Taurus (Vrishabha Rasi) (15 May – 15 June)

8-15 July 2021, may bring an  increased desire for intimate relationship.   18-22 July 2021,   if you are in any stressful  relationship,  that may bring challenges to resolve by unknotting the deep romantic desires.  You are required to activate inner  power to get on with your life with a new approach. You may realise that the nature is taking  you  through some karmic  transformation  in relationship,  so that you may  grow into refined  and different dimension. You may feel like you have to push harder to get anywhere. A close friend would be extremely helpful who would extend  his/her hand to guide you through this life changing or say transformational process.  17-18 July 2021 could be stormy emotionally



  1. Gemini (Mithun Rasi) (15 June – 16 July)

8-15 July 2021, your passionate desires to enjoy life would increase manifold but manifestation of your desires may take some more time. Your charisma and popularity   may increase thousand fold. 18-22 July 2021,   your relationship with children and/or with  your guide may get under deep stress. You may find something fishy in your children’s behaviour. Please find an outlet to release anger when things do not happen as quickly as you would like to. Around the same time you may be drawn to spiritual wisdom to seek deeper spiritual knowledge.  17-18 July 2021 could be stormy emotionally with respect to love and children and possibly end up in incurring some expenses



  1. Cancer (Karakata Rasi) (16 July – 17 August)

8-15 July 2021, your desires  to enjoy family life would increase manifold but manifestation of your desires may take some more time. Your expenditure may rise too.  18-22 July 2021,   Some deeper issues with  family members  may get under stress and  would be required to be resolved in a peaceful manner. There seems to  be a lack of understanding  with your spouse.   Both of you may  find it difficult to come into a middle ground.  Some improvements in finance sector are indicated from 23 July 2021.  Oh yes, 17-18 July 2021 could be stormy emotionally with respect to home, friends, elder siblings and close associates



  1. Leo (Simha Rasi) (17 August – 17 September)

8-15 July 2021, your passionate desires would increase manifold but its manifestation requires  a careful strategy.  18-22 July 2021,   relationship with siblings and friends  may get under some stress.  Your leadership  skills at career may raise some questions and your desire to dominate the situation would be at some risk.  Be skilful in handling such situations. It is about time to search and activate the spiritual energy within. Some gain from foreign sources cannot be overruled. Oh yes, 17-18 July 2021, your  stubborn approach may bring some rifts into your relationships, and  you may need to work on your temperament to deal with such situations



  1. Virgo (Kanya Rasi) (17 September- 17 October)

8-15 July 2021, your desires to earn high income would increase manifold. Do not take the wrong steps to make money faster.  8-22 July 2021,  relationship with family, values, resources, faith and people at overseas  may be challenged.    Unknot these issues amicably.  Some adjustments, possibly in the area of your resources, values and finance may be required including how you relate to others. Please find an outlet to release anger when things do not happen as quickly as you would like to.  Around the same time you may be drawn to spiritual wisdom to seek deeper spiritual knowledge. Be alert on 17-18 July 2021, inner churning of  emotions may take place to help you to come out of the challenging situation



  1. Libra (Tula Rasi) (17 October -16 November)

8-15 July 2021, your passionate desires for romantic relationship would increase manifold but its manifestation may take some further time. 18-22 July 2021,  due to unfulfilled desires you may  feel very irritated.  In simple words, relationships  seems to be  prone to complex emotional entanglements.  This is the testing time; and remember challenges with relationship and/or  any agreements would be there, you may have to compromise somewhere.  If you wish to go for a holiday then plan wisely as some unforeseeable situation may arise.  You may feel like you have to push harder to get anywhere.  Go within  on 17-18 July 2021 as inner churning of  emotions may reveal you a new and path to life



  1. Scoprio (Vrischik Rasi) (16 November – 16 December)

8-15 July 2021, the stability of love relationships through unexpected urges or events may be challenged.  Challenges with relationship, compromise and any agreements would be there. Here is the opportunity to test your patience  and also to peep inside yourself to figure out what is permanent  and what is fleeting.     17-18 July 2021 could be stormy time emotionally. Please find an outlet to release anger when things do not happen as quickly as you would like to.  18-22 July 2021,   avoid taking risks if meeting someone whom you hardly know. Existing issues related with relationships, agreements may end up with some compromise



  1. Sagittarius (Dhanu Rasi) (16 December – 14 January)

8-15 July 2021, may bring an  increased desire for good  relationship with your close friends and elder siblings.  Some drama with close friends may create heat  on or around 13 July 2021. Do not let yourself  get emotionally drained.  You may be  required to activate inner  power to get on with your relationship  with a new approach.    18-22 July 2021, avoid all arguments and expectations to maintain good understanding with them.   A lot of unexpected challenges may pop up in career and you may have to resolve each and every issue with patience and deeper understanding.  Some health and family  related news may perplex you around 17-18 July  



  1. Capricorn (Makara Rasi) (14 January – 13 February)

8-15 July 2021, may bring an  increased desire to succeed in love and  career and that may have some deeply hidden challenges in store.  Unexpected drama may take place at work on or around 13 July 2021, control your anger and frustration; from 20 July 2021 things may take a significant positive turn. 18-22 July 2021,   if any stress in existing relationship,  that may bring challenges to resolve by unknotting the deep romantic desires.  You may be  required to activate inner  power to get on with your relationship  with a new approach.    Put it this way, your Focus should be  on reconciliation, forming or cementing bonds by mutual understanding. Control your emotions and be cautious at work around 17-18 July 2021  



  1. Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi) (13 February – 14 March)

8-15 July 2021, you may be much worried for your family and may be always thinking to give them  financially secured life.  18-22 July 2021,  your health shall take a positive turn all at sudden by making ways for beneficial treatment, if sick.  Relationships with authoritative  and/or older people could be  significantly difficult.  This may not be  the time for making important decisions or for signing contracts.  Healthwise, Please look after your Digestive system for the time beings. Marital relationships may undergo a delicate/challenging  time;  make sure you do not  fall into arguments with your  spouse. Be alert around 17-18 July 2021, stirring of emotions are indicated due to domestic environment



  1. Pisces (Meena Rasi) (14 March – 14 April)

8-15 July 2021, may bring an  increased desire to travel with your spouse for the romantic holiday.  There is every chance that your holiday plan changes all at sudden due to unforeseeable circumstances.  Just be careful; do not be over dominating in relationship as that may backfire.  18-22 July 2021,   sudden financial issues may bring some stress for a  little while.  Your frustration level may increase, but  please find an outlet to release anger when things do not happen as quickly as you would like to.  Go within  on 17-18 July 2021 as inner churning of  emotions may reveal you a new and path to life



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Ravinder Grover

Disclaimer: ‘Without Prejudice’.  I offer my insight to Astrology solely based on my learnings of astrology principles and techniques,  some  of them learnt from the Sages of the highest order. These predictions are offered for guidance purpose only.   I offer absolute no guarantee on my calculations and analysis. These predictions are not intended to harm anyone by any means.  I expressly disclaim all warranties, implied or contingent, for making use of these predictions, for incurring any loss, loss of profit or in any manner. No notice or advice from anyone  will create any liability whatsoever