
The Vedic Sun Signs (July 2024)

By |July 1st, 2024|Politics, Sun Signs|

The Vedic Sun Signs (July 2024) Note:  The Vedic Sun Sign describes your Public Self, the Moon Sign (Janma Rashi)describes your Emotional Personality (the way you interact with others, not necessarily how you are inside) and the Rising Sign (Lagna) describes your true Inner Self (how you are inside and how you face the world unconsciously)  Why read Regular Horoscopes? If you have an idea of what [...]

Further to my recent June 2024 Forecast

By |June 18th, 2024|Politics, Sun Signs|

Further to my recent June 2024 Forecast Here are  potential events resulting from certain active configurations of planets, expanding on few previous posts.   18-24 Jun 2024 (Mercury in Ardra Nakshatra, Mithun-Gemini Sign)   Be Cautious, this Nakshatra is known for its unpredictable & turbulent emotional outbursts and stormy nature, potentially leading to frauds, [...]

2024 Indian Parliamentary Elections – Opposition blames EVM for BJP triumph

By |June 3rd, 2024|Astrology, Elections, Pakistan, PoK, Politics|

2024 Indian Parliamentary Elections - Opposition blames EVM for BJP triumph As previously prophesied, India will experience the following astrological occurrences beginning 4 June 2024:  1. Shri Narinder Modi will win the elections and thereafter become Prime Minister of India for the 3rd consecutive time 2. BJP+ may win 363 -  413 seats  3. Shri [...]

The Vedic Sun Signs (June 2024)

By |May 30th, 2024|Politics, Sun Signs|

The Vedic Sun Signs (June 2024) Note:  The Vedic Sun Sign describes your Public Self, the Moon Sign (Janma Rashi)describes your Emotional Personality (the way you interact with others, not necessarily how you are inside) and the Rising Sign (Lagna) describes your true Inner Self (how you are inside and how you face the world unconsciously)  Why read Regular Horoscopes? If you have an idea of what [...]

Swati Maliwal Assault Case

By |May 19th, 2024|Angarka Yoga, Astrology, Politics, Uranus in Taurus|

Bird’s Eye View Analysis   Those who are following Indian Politics are well aware of the hot media report /debates on Swati Maliwal Assault case.   Just now, (18 May 2024, 23:20 hours, Auckland, New Zealand)   I had a sudden  urge to check Swati Maliwal’s astrological chart.      I searched Google and could [...]

India Lok-Sabha Elections 2024 – Brief Update

By |May 17th, 2024|Angarka Yoga, Astrology, Iran Israel, Politics, Solar Eclipse, Stock Market, Sun Signs, War|

Without Prejudice Subsequent to my few previous posts, purely Astrologically speaking,  I would say that on  4 June 2024 India will witness three occurrences as follows:  1. Shri Narinder Modi will win the elections and thereafter become Prime Minister of India for the 3rd consecutive time 2. Shri Rahul Gandhi, who is progressively driving [...]

Akshaya Tritiya

By |May 8th, 2024|Angarka Yoga, Astrology, Iran Israel, Politics, Solar Eclipse, Stock Market, Sun Signs, War|

'God will dwell in the hearts of those who are filled with thoughts of consideration for the poor and who are eager to serve them'. - Sri Sathya Sai The Sanskrit word ‘Akshaya’  translates to ‘never decreasing, ‘eternal’ or ‘imperishable.’   Tritiya is the third day following the occurrence of the new Moon in the [...]

The Vedic Sun Signs (May 2024)

By |May 7th, 2024|Angarka Yoga, Astrology, Iran Israel, Politics, Solar Eclipse, Stock Market, Sun Signs, War|

The Vedic Sun Signs (May 2024) Note:  The Vedic Sun Sign describes your Public Self, the Moon Sign (Janma Rashi)describes your Emotional Personality (the way you interact with others, not necessarily how you are inside) and the Rising Sign (Lagna) describes your true Inner Self (how you are inside and how you face the world unconsciously)  Why read Regular Horoscopes? If you have an idea of what [...]

  Turbulent Time (7 May 2024 to 6 June 2024) – Navigate with Care   

By |May 7th, 2024|Angarka Yoga, Astrology, Iran Israel, Politics, Solar Eclipse, Stock Market, War|

  Turbulent Time (7 May 2024 to 6 June 2024) - Navigate with Care    Please refer to my earlier predictions  made on 5 April 2024 on Hindu New Year (Krodhin) falling on the Solar Eclipse day (8 April 2024), I have made it very clear that Fire & Water elements would play an important [...]

Angarka  Yoga (23 April 2024 – 1 June 2024)  with Intensity on 18-22 May 2024

By |May 6th, 2024|Angarka Yoga, Astrology, Iran Israel, Politics, Solar Eclipse, Stock Market, War|

Angarka  Yoga (23 April 2024 – 1 June 2024)  with Intensity on 18-22 May 2024   Angarka yoga occurs when the planets Mars and Rahu align with one other.  Mars indicates Fire and Fiery elements,  Aggression, Activity and Rahu indicates Gases, Chemicals, Oils, Nuclear/Atomic, Blowing up things beyond imaginations. When these two planets get closer [...]



General predictions from the blog has been put down.


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